Thursday, December 21, 2017

Merry Christmas Ya'll!

'Tis the season to be jolly. December has been a relatively busy and fun month for us. This post was supposed to be written a week ago, but time really just got the best of me. Now is a good time to start slowing down, with Christmas around the corner, and New Years following close behind.

Our Christmas will be spent here. Robert's parents came down for a few weeks; they left before the actual holiday. I don't blame them since Panama can be a bit overwhelming this time of year, since it turns into a giant party with festivities.

Robert's mom helped decorate our Christmas tree. She and I also went shopping at a mall 40 minutes away. Going was kind of a mistake since it was packed with holiday shoppers. We celebrated early with them and had a totally untraditional dinner consisting of steak (for the non vegetarians), potatoes, roasted veggies and pie. Yum!

I am not sure what Robert and I are doing on Christmas day, but it will likely be very relaxing. We'll probably open up presents we got for each other, watch movies, and go for a walk on the beach. One of the perks of living here is that the weather is usually around 80-87 Degrees Farenheit (26-29 Degrees Celsius) year round. Although I do admit, a nice cup of hot chocolate, a cute pair of boots and cool weather don't sound too awful right now either...

What are your plans for Christmas? May you have a safe and Merry Christmas!