Sunday, February 18, 2018

...Brrr it's cold in here!

..okay, it is still around 85*F (29*C), give or take a few degrees. Both of us got colds. I got it first and then decided to pass it onto Robert. Sharing is caring right?

The good news is that Robert was loading up on vitamin c. Although he got a cold, his symptoms were a lot less significant than mine and only lasted a few days. Me? It took me about two weeks and over 4 boxes of Kleenex to fully recover. Coconut oil was my best friend for my nose, which would have rivaled Rudolph's without it. All better now. Let's just hope it stays that way.

Carnival was last week. We stayed in, but other people we know went out and joined the festivities. For those who may not remember from previous posts, the carnival last week is not one with clowns and games...although I guess there could be. Carnival in Panama and throughout most of the world is a festival that occurs before Lent. Mardi Gras in the United States is a take on Carnival.

Everything else is going well, otherwise. I realize that I haven't really been posting photos in my recent posts. I will try to get some with future posts. Let's be honest, nobody wants to see what was going on since the last post.

Also, since this is a question that comes up in conversations...a few updates on the pregnancy. I am not showing. I am feeling baby move though, although at this point the feelings are very subtle. We are choosing not to find out the sex of the baby a surprise until s/he is born. We haven't decided on any names yet; we have time though!

Did I miss anything? I hope you all are doing well

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Three Years of Living Here

It's hard to believe that we've hit the 3 year anniversary of living here. The time has gone by so fast that I almost forgotten the month had come. Here is a recap of some of the highlights from the last year.

Visiting Hacienda San Isidro and trying out different types of rum, including one that costs over $100/bottle

Taking a Discover Scuba course in Santa Catalina

Hiking became a thing this year, including going to Los Cajones (not cojones...)

Buying a Panamanian flag to celebrate the independence days in Panama, and hanging it off our balcony.

Finding out we are going to have a baby!

Did I miss any highlights?

Panama has brought so many amazing things into our lives. We are grateful for the adventures, lessons, and experiences our adoptive country has given us.