Monday, May 28, 2018

A Hike in the City

Robert and I have been itching to go on a hike. Or, maybe it was just me and I convinced myself the hike was both our ideas? Both of us have been busy with work. A change of pace from the daily monotonies of daily life was needed and welcomed.

We found a hike in Panama City, at Parque Natural Metropolitano, Natural Metropolitan Park. It is the second highest point in Panama City, second to Ancon Hill, which we have been to on a few occasions.

The total hike was around 3.5km (2 mi) on trails that are well maintained. I have been able to stay active throughout my pregnancy, so this hike seemed doable. If nothing else, we could always slow down and/or turn around, right? To be honest, the thing I was worried most about was whether we would get hit with rain. The rain stayed away; no complaints!

This hike was just what the doctor ordered. The first part of our hike was flat and super easy. The second part of the hike was almost all up hill, which lasted around half a mile (1km). We got to the top of the hill and got to see some pretty cool sights. There were views of the city we haven't seen before. There was also this impressive line of leaf cutter ants. Pictures didn't do the line of ants justice.
Leaf cutter ants

One of the views we saw of Panama City

We took another trail down, which lead to the flat part of the hike. We then got breakfast and did a little exploring at a local mall. The initial plan was to go see a movie as well. The show time unexpectedly got pushed back an extra hour, which we did not want to wait around for. Maybe next time. 

The day turned out to be the perfect day. We got to spend some time together in nature, enjoyed a new adventure, and avoided rain! Woohoo!

Sunday, May 13, 2018

A Mother's Day Post

Just wanted to send a quick Happy Mother's Day note to all the moms out there. Moms come in so many forms and you all deserve to be recognized. You all make a difference in this world!

The day is rumored to have started off as a day for grieving mothers. I know several moms that have experienced the death of a child. For that, I honor you. I know several moms who struggle with infertility. For that, I honor you.

I know others of you that are okay having four legged friends. For that, I honor you. Others of you have adopted communities and dedicated your life to service. You are honored. Of course, we cannot forget the moms who have children and get to spend time with them on a regular basis. You are honored!

To me, the day is about blessings. People have been wishing me a happy Mother's Day. It is an honor to hear that, although it is also very surreal. It's incredible to know that we'll be meeting our Thumper in about 10 weeks, but it's also kind of unreal too. The fun thing? Panama celebrates Mothers Day in December, on the Day of the Immaculate Conception. Perhaps then, the day will feel a little more real and a little less surreal. Haha.

I also want to send a shout out to our moms. I have an amazing mother in law. She is kind, loving, and generous. She helped raise her son into the man that is my best friend. Thanks for all you do!

Then there is my mom. She's strong and fierce. We might drive each other crazy at times, but she's the best mom I could ask for.

One of my favorites, 2011

May you find peace, happiness, and blessings on Mothers Day!