Thursday, July 12, 2018

It's all Fun and Games for Now

The countdown is on for when the little will arrive. Workouts and yoga have temporarily stopped. Finishing last minute projects have been a focus. It seems like now is just a waiting game–pun intended. The last week has literally been about chilling out, relaxing, and playing games.

Robert and I went to Panama City last week and watched Sicario 2. We both enjoyed the first one and were hoping that the second movie would be released here. While not quite as good as the original (the first was really good), the second movie was still enjoyable and worth the drive to the city. Benicio del Toro brings his usual command and charisma to the screen. Put both of these movies on your "to watch" list if you have not seen either of these movies. You'll thank me later. This applies even if you are like me and find these movies a bit out of your typical movie genre preferences.

We had a game and dinner night with friends. We played Hand and Foot. The girls lost, but it was still fun. I also snuck in some Mah Jong. I am not very good at the game. Luckily the people I play with play to win but aren't super competitive about it either.

Has anyone been keeping up with the World Cup? I thought I would jump off the bandwagon once Panama was out of it. Wrong! Upset after upset keeps happening. Teams that were expected to be in the quarter-finals aren't, including Germany and Brazil. I wonder how many people who made brackets and placed bets actually made money this go-around?

Wednesday involved a ladder ball tournament with people who live in our building. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the game, you have a ladder with three bars. You can play either play with two or four people at a time, creating teams of two if playing with four people (which is the most fun by the way) Each bar has a point value of 1-3. You are then given balls that are attached with a rope and the object is to "hook" the balls onto the ladder. The first to a certain point value wins the game. It is like a hybrid of shuffleboard and horseshoes.

Lastly, this week involved me reading two books.  Every Man in this Village is a Liar: an Education on War, by Megan Stack, was the first. The book is about a journalist's accounts while she reported throughout the Middle East during the early 2000s. The second book, The Heart of Abshire House, by Tai Sith, is a sequel to The Incredible Secrets of Hadley Hill. One book made me think about views on foreign policy. The other was a mix of adventure, mystery, and romance. Both are good reads, depending on the kind of book genres you're into (read "Hadley Hill" before you read "Abshire House").


All of this meant I took a bit of a Facebook/technology hiatus. I posted something last week about how I was planning on staying off Facebook. Social media is great in a lot of ways, after all, I get paid to be on it and I enjoy staying up to date with family and friends. There comes a point where you just need a break. I got several messages asking about whether I was in labor. Nope, just taking a break.

Rumors seem to be going around that I am ready to not be pregnant anymore. FALSE...well sort of! I am ready to meet our kiddo on his terms. We are also about as ready as we can be regarding baby items. We are ready for her. I will admit, sleeping on my back again is going to be awesome. We are both in good spirits, and I kind of am enjoying the fact that taking care of the kiddo at this point is easy. I think other people are getting more impatient than we are.

Life is good though and we are officially on for Panamanian Baby Watch '18. As you might understand, a blog post every 2 weeks for a bit may not be possible for a while. The topic shift is likely change a bit too, as our Panamanian adventures shift into an introduction of parenthood in Panama.