Monday, October 29, 2018

Our First Halloween

Happy Halloween everyone! This year has been exciting in a lot of ways thanks to Brooke. Having an excuse to dress up is no exception. We got to celebrate Halloween for the first time as a family. Woohoo!

Panama does not celebrate the day. Trick-or-treating doesn't happen here. They celebrate Dia de los Muertos instead. This day is about celebrating and remembering loved ones that have died. Watch the Pixar movie, Coco, if you're curious. The movie is cute and it explains the holiday in a Disney/Pixar kind of way.

Okay, so no Halloween in Panama. Why did you dress up?

How could we not dress up Brooke on her first Halloween? There was a 5k/2k walk/run to raise money for a local swim team. Because it was on the 28th, participants were encouraged to dress up if they so chose. We used this as an excuse for a family costume (although it would probably have happened regardless). Neither Robert or I can really recall the last time we dressed up for Halloween; it's been at least 16 years for me.

For those who do not understand the're welcome by the way

Unfortunately, we ended up leaving before the 2k walk started. We waited over 30 minutes after our walk was supposed to start. It was hot and humid. Brooke was asleep so she didn't seem to mind it. However, we would have been done with the walk had it started on time. Looking for respite from the heat, we left. 

Surprisingly, Brooke wasn't the only baby there! It turns out there are other moms with littles in the area. The community isn't just a retirement community after all! It was kind of exciting. It was also nice to see friends and people I haven't seen since Brooke was born. 

As a side note/rant: please do not ever think you are entitled to see anyone else's baby. One woman (who I recognized but couldn't tell you where from) was overly insistent on seeing Brooke's face. Brooke was asleep and had her face buried in my shoulder. Any chance I can change my outfit from a mama shark to a mama bear? 
I get it. Babies are usually cute and draw a lot of attention. Don't be like that lady. Respect boundaries and know you are entitled to nothing when it comes to somebody else's child.

The event may not have worked out as planned. We ended up having a fun day. Dressing up as a family was fun. Looking forward to what we come up with next year. Have a great Halloween!