Saturday, March 2, 2019

Crawling, Teething, and Carnival...oh my!

Who dropped the bomb? This lady, right here. There was a draft in progress about how the Pope came to visit. He was here about 4 weeks ago. Relevant still? Maybe. Has more happened since then? Yep!

We survived the Pope and World Youth Day (WYD). Most of the traffic in the area was due to people escaping Panama City. Estimates originally stated that there were only 200,000 pilgrims from the event. The number then ended up being closer to 1 million based off reports. Despite what we thought, traffic in the area was calm. Stores in the morning were more empty than normal. Thank you Pope for small grocery store lines!

Brooke has started eating solids. She goes crazy over broccoli and is not a fan of avocado. She seems pretty indifferent about everything else Our small dog has realized hanging around her high chair during meals has its advantages. Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks?

Brooke is now an expert with crawling. Tummy time has lost its relevance, unless she's sleeping on her tummy (which she does from time to time). Her favorite thing to try to get into now is the dogs' water dish. Mommy and Daddy are now jungle gyms as she has began the art of climbing. Getting on her knees is becoming easier for her each day. I am not sure I can stand watching how wobbly she is without getting a little anxiety, although I know it is all part of the process.

Brooke also has 6 teeth! Of the 6 she has, 4 have came through within a week and a half of each other. Zombie mommy mode has been in full effect. It is nothing compared to what Brooke went though. Poor thing. Cold wash cloths for the win!

We are heading into the weekend for Carnival (people in the US may know it better as Mardi Gras). Things are about to get crazy around here. It is chaotic and loud, yet at the same time, it is Panamanian culture in a very pure sense. It's a time to let go and relax. Some aspects of it are not super family friendly, while others are fun and simple. It just depends on where you go and what you do. We'll be staying in for the most part since traffic gets CRAA-HAZ-AY during this time.

I am sure there is more but I am going to call it good for now just because I want to get this published. My new goal is monthly posts....gotta start somewhere, right? Hope you're all doing well.