Saturday, July 27, 2019

Being AWOL for Months

I've had intentions of writing a post for some time. I just keep forgetting. Here is a quick update (no pictures) of what's going on.

We went back to the US about a month ago for a 2 week trip. It was kept very low key in order to not overwhelm B and ourselves. Nothing personal. Those that I didn't tell (99.9% of you) will understand. We enjoyed our time with both sides of the family. B got to meet her aunts and uncles, cousins, and got to be reintroduced to her grandparents. She is a great traveler and had a great time...even when it was 114* in Arizona. Yuk!

I've been up in arms reading a history book. I will be working as a middle school and high school social studies teacher for this upcoming year. Yes, both levels...the perks of being part of a relatively small school. The classes are taught in English but students come from all over the world! 
I've been enjoying my time as a mom and a wife. I see the quotes that say stuff like "nobody ever regretted spending more time with family." While I've been on a little hiatus on social media, that is one quote that rings true for me. No regrets so far. Honestly, I've even put down my camera phone, just trying to enjoy the moment. You know how nice it is? Try it!

Anyway, that's what's been up, in a nutshell. Posts will try to be more frequent (twice a month) but don't expect too many photos. All is good here. How are you all doing?