Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Post Panama/Oregon Trip

Holy smokes! Has it really been over two weeks since the last blog post? Time seems to have gone by very fast, especially after all of the big adventures we had last month. Things this month have seemed to slow down quite a bit. We are still in Arizona with no definitive date of when we will be moving to Panama. Despite this, Robert and I have both been busy.

Robert has been waiting for some parts to come in for a powered parachute (I refer to it as a powerchute) that he will be flying while in Panama. The parts originally came in back in November, however they were the wrong ones and the correct ones had to be reordered. The correct parts came in while we were in Panama. The soonest that the mechanic could assemble the parts was the middle of this month. The powerchute  should be ready for Robert to fly by the end of the week. He will need to accumulate solo flight time with the powerchute and will have to get some certifications in order to prepare for Panama. Once this is done, then we will be ready to move.

What is a powerchute? A powerchute is basically a go-cart with a propeller and a parachute. Powerchutes can be flown with varied altitudes, depending on what the pilot wants. Altitude can range from just a few feet off the ground to above 18,000 feet (5,486 meters). I believe Robert typically flies his around 2,000-3,000 feet (609-915 meters). The world record elevation for one of these is 20,287 feet (6,183 meters). They fly about 25 miles per hour (40 kph). Below are some pictures of Robert flying a powerchute.

In the mean time, we have been going through a lot of our boxes and have tried to only take what we need to in Panama. I've continued to watch one of my nieces who recently turned 5 months old (keeping in mind I have two nieces). Right now her interests include laughing when the dogs play, looking in the mirror, and rolling over.

Not my niece, but this is not far from the truth right now

In addition to watching my niece, I have taken up starting a blog with our company as well as being engaged with trying to promote the business. I have also been busy with social media marketing for the business on Facebook and Twitter. For anyone interested, feel free to like or follow our business.

I wish I could give more "exciting" updates other than to say that life for the most part is back to normal in Arizona. The house is still up for sale with no reasonable offers coming our way and as I have mentioned before, we are still in Arizona. Life is good right now and it will only get better as we continue to get closer to follow our dream. 

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