Saturday, February 14, 2015

A Week in Review

Robert and I have been living in Panama for over a week. Time continues to go by and the term "mañana" does not seem to apply to these experiences.  Mañana is a term which I have heard be used by expats as the fact that the culture here tend to get things done whenever it gets done.

We enjoy our house. Both of the dogs seem to be unsure of what to think as they see dogs walk by and they cannot. They are in quarantine for 40 days as part of them being able to live with us in Panama. One week down, about 4 weeks more to go until they can join the local dogs around our small town.

Panama has a lot of dogs that tend to belong to one house or another but walk around as they please. There is a small group of dogs that tend to hang out on the beach. All of them seem friendly enough and tend to be curious from afar.

He followed us around the beach
but kept is distance. 

We went for a walk on the beach the other day and saw somebody surfing. It was a nice walk and we found some restaurants that might be worth trying soon. I have no idea what kind of food they serve, but that hasn't stopped us on other occasions.

We've also tried some new food. A package of Crema de Maíz happened to be in our cupboard and it looked like it was not there for very long. Our landlord said that we could help ourselves to it. We did. What in the world is Crema de Maíz? Originally I had a hard time because isn't creamed corn the whole kernel corn stuff you buy in a can?

I read the back of the package and then came to the conclusion it was a dessert. The ingredients call for milk, vanilla, and sugar. What a great dessert! Wrong! After doing some research I discovered that Crema de Maíz is in fact something you eat for breakfast. A person online described Crema de Maíz as being finely ground cornmeal and has the texture of "smooth poletna."

Robert and I tried some for breakfast and it was quite good. We found it to be satisfying, but neither could finish our breakfast as it was very sweet. I agree that this could be seen as a smooth polenta. It reminded me of eating Cream of Wheat. The Crema de Maíz had a smoother texture and was much richer than Cream of Wheat. I think this could be a delicious breakfast on a cool foggy morning if it was a little lighter. It was a worth trying!

For anyone interested, I found a very similar recipe that we used to make it and linked it here. We had no cinnamon but everything else is very similar.  If you find it in the United States, I imagine a package of this will likely be in the same area where other warm breakfast cereals are found in grocery stores.

The weather here has been pretty much the same since we got here. It is humid but I feel like for the most part, it feels like how Arizona feels after it rains in the summer. It does get warm here, especially during the afternoons where the sun seems to be baring down on you. This observation makes sense considering we are living closer to the equator than we have ever lived.

Temperature in Degrees Farenheit

Temperature in Degrees Celsius 

Robert and I have been busy trying to prepare for Carnival. We will take advantage of promoting our business to everyone who is enjoying their extended weekend. I am still not sure what to expect from Carnival but the experience is welcomed. All of this is very new. I am soaking it all in and have been learning a lot. Over all, life and Panama are both good. The next few days will be quite an adventure with Carnival. I cannot wait! 

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