Sunday, March 1, 2015

Business as Uusual

Life in Panama is business as usual. I wish I had some exciting adventures to share, but right now life is becoming ordinary for us. Robert and I continue to stay busy with our jobs, which is not always the most blog worthy thing to post about. We've been trying to explore the culture and the food a little more.

One thing I discovered this past week was that the best way to tell people your location is to use a map. I was trying to find a location for a hotel in the area. When I found the location on the website, instead of finding a "123 Main Street" I found a map instead with a pin pointing to the location of the building. I honestly was not expecting a street address, since when describing locations we usually use landmarks, but I think I was expecting more than just a map. At the end of the day, all you can do is laugh and enjoy the simplicity of what is.

We also got our water bill for the first time this month. Because there are no mailboxes, we had our bill slipped into our gate. In order to pay your bill you walk down to the local market which has a station specific for the utility company, and pay the amount. 

Beans, tortillas, and eggs are breakfast stables for us. I was reading another blogger who mentioned a traditional breakfast in Panama. This breakfast consists of a corn tortilla, eggs, and cheese. Yumm! These corn tortillas are thicker than Mexican corn tortillas and are typically deep fried. These tortillas are roughly 1/4 inch (6mm) thick and about 5 inches (12.7 cm) in diameter.

The texture of these tortillas was very different than what I was used to and they were more like a cake rather than a traditional tortilla that I am used to being able to fold. Despite the fact that I cooked these in a pan with a little oil rather than deep frying them, I can honestly say that this made for a hearty breakfast. 

Panama continues to be a new adventure for us on a daily basis, whether it is learning to navigate the areas, trying new foods, or simply soaking up the culture of Panama. Robert and I have discussed trying to explore the area more, which is a goal we intend to keep. Life for anyone is an adventure, and we'll continue to see where ours takes us. 

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