Saturday, April 18, 2015

The First Rain and Cake!

This week was pretty low key. The highlights of the week included a power outage, the first rain, and a trip to the mall. No surfing this week, although the surf has been perfect.

We have had multiple power outages this week. Some are sporadic and remind me of somebody playing with a light switch; they did not last long. Tuesday our power went out for six hours. It is fortunate that we have candles and flashlights. I am not sure what caused the outage. Talk about bad timing! It was right in the middle of me making dinner and doing laundry. The clothes had to be re-washed and dinner had to be postponed (making it in the dark, I messed up anyway).

The first rainfall since we moved down here began. It was wonderful. The rain here is a lot like the monsoons in Arizona; it will pour for 20-30 minutes and be clear and sunny the rest of the day. I recently learned a new word for a lover of rain, the air was crisp and clean. The fields that were burned smelled like rich soil. The beach was moist, and the flowers in our yard were sprinkled with water drops. It is hard to imagine anyone who isn't a Pluviophile.

Robert and I had to run a few errands at a town about 40 minutes away from where we live. Because we were out that way, we figured we may as well go to the mall. I figured since we were there I would go into the Levis store and buy a pair of jeans. 

One of the store clerks attempted to help me. I spoke very broken Spanish, apologized for my horrible Spanish.  

As I was ready to check out I said "Yo soy listo. Uhh Estoy listo pagar." I am ready. I am ready to pay. 

Etoy and Soy both mean I am. I know in the Spanish language they mean different things, but differentiating them for me is still difficult. As I write this, I realize how I should have used 'estoy.' Lesson learned and on to the next mistake I make in Spanish. Can I at least get an A for effort for all of you who can think of 5 other ways I could have handled the situation?

The mall has a movie theater, which we were considering going to Fast and Furious 7. When the movie first came out, the movie had Spanish subtitles. Now the only versions at this theater are dubbed over.  It is good to note this as I am a fan of the Hunger Games and have yet to miss seeing the movie opening weekend.

We got lunch instead. We usually get pizza, but I was curious what the Taco Bell was like in Panama. I am always curious what American restaurants taste like in Panama. I am not sure if this is an occurrence in the United States, but at least in Panama, you get fries with your combo. The fries were surprisingly good and reminded me of eating curly fries from Arby's. Yum!

The best got saved for last. There is a dessert place that has cake like I've never tasted. I have blogged about it before. This time Robert got a honey cake desert and I got almond. Yumm!

The outing at the mall was probably the most exciting thing this week. I would like to make it a point to go see a movie in Spanish at some point, but deep inside I wanted to know what was going on in Fast and Furious 7. As I mentioned before, no surfing lately, but I am hoping it will change soon; all of my bruises are fading! 

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