Tuesday, January 26, 2016

A Break from the Blog

Do you ever get to a point where you just need a break from a particular thing? I love technology and I enjoy writing and like staying in touch with family and friends on Facebook. Sometimes though, it can all be a bit much. It was time for a break and so this is a recap since the last post.

We had our first Panamanian bon fire on the beach. We visited some friends and enjoyed playing games, roasting hot dogs and releasing sky lanterns. It was my first and last time trying vegetarian hot dogs (the taste and texture reminded me too much of how I remember the real ones tasting). It was our friends' first time releasing lanterns. It was a great night.

I've recently been on a kick where I make food from scratch. This includes making brownies, green enchilada sauce, and tortillas-all for the first time.

We have also began to paddle board more often. A restaurant we frequent had a "paddle and brunch" event that we decided to do. We paddled for what I am guessing is just over 1/2 mile (0.8km) each way to the restaurant and ate breakfast and paddled back. 

Last but not least, we have began to take Spanish classes. This will be our third week of Spanish class and we have recently started trying to regularly read books in Spanish. Learning is not easy and I often share the same frustrations our English learning students share. In spite of all of it, we are lucky to have the ability to learn and to live in Panama. 

Life in Panama is busy and will continue to get busier in the upcoming weeks. Carnival is just around the corner which means a week of people visiting the area. Our one year anniversary in Panama will be next week, and it is a great reminder of all the changes that have occurred within the last year.

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