Monday, March 14, 2016

A Week of Being Sick

Do you ever notice that when school starts weird, funky illnesses start going around more rampant? Public school in Panama started earlier this month. Illness is everywhere. Robert was the unlucky one this week who caught the latest bug. Luckily he is better now and rejoiced in his feeling better by going on a bus with 20 other people and going to dinner. It was a nice way to end the week.

While Robert was bed ridden much of the week I decided to continue on my trend of making things from scratch. I tried making biscuits from scratch. I was hoping to have them turn out to be nice and fluffy. Instead they literally turned out to be hockey pucks and had a brittle texture. After doing a little research, I think I figured out what not to do for next time.

I also made dulce de leche out of condensed milk for the first time. Move over carmel, you have been replaced by something even more amazing. The texture is thick like peanut butter, sweet like carmel, and incredibly smooth and creamy. Never having dulce de leche I found a lot of things saying you can eat it with a spoon or pair it with other desserts and make it like a dipping sauce. I decided to make cheesecake. Yum!!

Another day while Robert was sick I decided to take a trash bag and pick up some trash from the beach. It is something I try to do once a week if I have the time. I enjoy picking up trash on our beach due to the river that carries debris from other parts of the area, which makes for some interesting garbage. Last post I complained about "boring trash." There was no boring trash here! I found old tubing and a lot of fun, bulky trash to compliment some of the smaller things I found like bottle caps and straws. I even found a bed and a bed spring. I was not able to dig it up but plan on doing it in the upcoming week. 

Robert began to feel better so we decided to partake in a dinner club experience in which we got on a small bus with 20 other people and went to a restaurant. Neither of us knew many people, but we thought it would be fun to get out. We sat with two people we met earlier in the year and have hung out with on a regular basis. The food was good, the company was good. It was a nice ending to our week. 

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