Saturday, December 31, 2016

New Outings

*I thought I posted this earlier in December (around 10 December). Ooops! Here is the version I was going to post. Enjoy! *

Things from Otto now seem like a distant, hazy memory. Winter (aka dry season) is slowly settling in and the rain is becoming a weekly occurrence rather than a daily occurrence. This week three things happened: We went to The City to see a play, we tried a new fruit, and I got a job.

Last week we saw a play in Panama City. The  play, "Stopping Christmas," is about a psychiatrist's attempt to stop Christmas. His goal is to write a book about how Christmas is so commercialized and the fact that it seems to come earlier each year, encouraging people to stop Christmas all together.

Carolers during intermission  
The first half of the play was decent, but neither Robert or I felt we would recommend the play. Despite this, we still enjoyed having an excuse to get out for the house. After dinner we went to a sushi restaurant and had a nice dinner.  

Have you ever heard of a tomate de arbol, (a tree tomato), or a tarmarillo?   Neither had I until my Spanish teacher talked about some of his favorite fruits. Tarmarillos are called tomate de arbol in Latin America s due to the fact that they grow on a shrub and resemble a roma tomato. In most English speaking regions they are called tarmarillos.

Photo taken by Leonardo E

Not being one to shy down from trying new foods, especially fruits, I was eager to try this one. I read online that the flavor is often compared to a tomato, a kiwi, a passion fruit, or a guava. How can something be compared to fruits that seem so different?

Not being a fan of tomatoes, I was really apprehensive to try it. In general, I do not eat tomatoes unless they are sun dried or in salsa; the texture and taste of a tomato are very unappealing. Trying the fruit did not help my perception that cutting one open some what resembles a tomato.

Robert and I tried the tomate de arbol. He immediately put it down and said the fruit was not for him. According to him, all he tasted was a more acidic version of a tomato.

I am still not sure what to think of this fruit. While I see how the texture can resemble a tomato based off the wateryness (is that a word?), I felt like the taste was a mix between a passion fruit and a kiwi. The fruit is sour and acidic like a passion fruit, or a sour lemon, and the sweetness of a kiwi. I didn't like it, but I didn't dislike it.

I also got a job working a few hours a week doing social media marketing for a local company here. I will be writing blogs and posting ongoing news about the company on various social media outlets. While it does not take up many hours of the week, it is exciting in the fact that I get to write more.

December may be a little slow for blog writing due to the holidays. As most people know, the holidays are a busy time of year. I will try to do at least one more post over the next two weeks before it gets too crazy.  

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