Friday, February 3, 2017

A Review of January

My intention for 2017 was to try to blog about something every two weeks. Honestly, it has been my intention. Although considering my last post was on New Years Eve, I might need to try a little harder next month. What's been going on with us?

Well, obviously not enough to feel like I should blog about it...or maybe we've just been so busy I kind of forgot. We've both been busy with work. I am still doing social media marketing for a local company and really enjoy it. Along with posting things on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites, I also blog for the company and try to get other local companies involved. Robert is also helping out in small bits with the company I work for...doing back page "behind the scenes" things for the website. He is also staying busy with some of his other projects.

I have also been dealing with a pesky ear infection that won't go away. My doctor gave me some serious antibiotics this past week and it seemed to do help do the trick. Funny enough, some of the medicine I got was from a Pharmacy that couldn't quite get my name right.

Our building has also been without gas for about 3 weeks now. That means no cooking, no drying clothes, and no warm showers. Everyone seems to be getting used to the clothes and the cold showers. But eating out gets old. We have a crock pot but in a 85 degree weather (or  about 26° C) who really wants a hot thing running for 4-8 hours in their house? We bought a hot plate, but the thing isn't level and is kind of unstable to cook on, although it can be better than nothing. We've opted to eat salads and a lot of pizza. Don't judge. 

On the plus side of all of this, lack of heat in a warm climate is definitely a first world problem. Hanging clothes out on our little clothes rack on the balcony is nice and all but our jeans and thicker clothes typically dry within half the day.

So that is our month in a nutshell. February will be busier but I will try to be more active with the posts. I am also working on a post about what our grocery stores look like. A friend of mine seems intrigued, so by popular demand, that will be an upcoming post. What are you curious about? Let me know and I will try to blog about it!


  1. Dear Nathalie Warmer (ha!) I'm glad your ear infection cleared. Hope they spelled your name correct Natalie Warner, especially on RX.
    I know the answer is "No!", But I think landlords should give an amenities refund for inconvenience, but that is just me. Hope your cooking now.

    1. Hi DimpleNutt (you crack me up).

      Six months later and we've got a working stove. Interestingly enough, I have gotten in the habit of hanging my clothes out still. They just smell so good!
