Monday, January 22, 2018

We Got Good News Ya'll

We are happy to announce that we're expecting a baby in July! Both of us are really excited and are looking forward to all the fun and challenging aspects that parenting brings.

Here are some frequently asked questions I've been getting:

  • Where are you having your baby?
    • The plan is that Baby will be born in Panama at a hospital. My OBGYN is amazing and we both like her. Bonus!
  • Are you excited?
    • Yes we are!
  • How did your parents react?
    • Both sets of parents are excited. This will be the third grandchild for each side. 
  • Are you finding out the sex before hand or keeping it a surprise?
    • That is something we need to discuss. The great thing is that we can always change our mind later if we want to know!
  • Any gift registry plans?
    • Right now we are working on something. Please email either of us, personally rather than commenting, if you want updates. 
  • Are you showing yet?
    • Gas bloat, food baby, baby bump? Not sure. I'm guessing the best answer at this time is no. 
  • How are you feeling?
    • Pretty good. I am able to workout regularly and incorporate light weights, cardio, and yoga. 
  • Do you have any strange cravings?
    • In regards to pickles with dirt, and ice cream? Mmm...yummy! No. But I am craving foods I normally don't eat/don't like. Foods include cold cereal, toast with butter and jam/jelly, and orange juice. 
Did I miss any questions? Let me know if I did!

Sunday, January 7, 2018

A New Years Resolution I didn't Intend to Keep

I am not one for making New Years resolutions. I learned very quickly, in first grade, that keeping them was not realistic. What kid can stay away from chocolate forever? From then on out I would either avoid making them or I would jokingly make one, with no intention to actually keep it. Joke's on me, since I actually kept it!

It turns out that this year I unintentionally kept my resolution: to read at least 12 books this year. While it might not seem like a big deal to some of my bookworm friends out there, it is to me. I am either interested in a book, or I am not. I either finish a book within a few days, or I do not finish it at all. A 600 page book has been read within a day and a half. My eyes typically hurt after I finish a book, and it isn't something I am eager to redo.

I do not know what was different about 2017. New glasses perhaps? What books did I read? Here are a few, in no particular order.

  • Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe-Benjamin Alire Sáenz
  • A Man Called Ove-Fredrik Backman
  • My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She's Sorry-by Fredrick Backman
  • Orphan Train-Christina Baker Kline
  • The Taliban Shuffle: Strange Days in Pakistan and Afghanistan-Kim Barker
  • The Help-Kathryn Stockett
  • China Rich Girlfriend-Kevin Kwan

The book I am currently reading is "The Good Soliders" by David Finkel. I've only recently started reading it. So far so good!

This new year has no resolutions for me. I plan on continuing my yoga practice, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and hopefully have new adventures in 2018. Do you have any resolutions? If you have any book recommendations, let me know!

I hope you had a great first week January, and that 2018 is filled with adventure, peace, and wonder.