Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Sore Throats Throttle our Plans

Brooke had her 2 month wellness checkup a week ago. Naturally, there had to be a coughing kid. His caregivers are teaching that sharing is caring, because he cared enough to share it with some of us in the office, including us. How to the receptionists not get sick by the way? Also, please excuse any awful grammar mistakes.

Originally I thought I was not drinking enough water. I easily drink over 4 liters (a gallon) of water a day and it was morning when that little tickle started hitting. A bottle later, problem solved. Or so I thought! This illness has been a gradual onset for me with a sore throat. Robert has been a different story. He got hit hard and fast. Unfortunately for him, he couldn't take time off work so he has not had a chance to really rest.

I think Brooke is getting it too. Luckily my body is producing antibodies in my breast milk to help with whatever funk we all have. Work antibodies! Work! 

All this scrapped plans for an event I have been looking forward to for a while: taking Brooke swimming for the first time. The go ahead was given by her doctor at her 1 month wellness checkup, but those plans had to get postponed. The hurricane in the East Coast of the US gave us very strong waves, preventing us from taking Brooke out. Did I mention her pediatrician prefers us to take her out in the ocean versus a chlorinated pool?

This week seemed perfect now that the storm has died down and waves are nice and calm. It is with the exception of us being sick. We are not the only ones, however. It seems like there is a bug going around.

I am very fortunate that my symptoms are less severe than Robert's. Trying to clear your throat or cough quietly/gracefully in order to prevent from waking a sleeping baby on your chest, is a whole new ball game for me. I kind of have to chuckle about as I write this. Parenthood is everything I hoped for and more, in every aspect.

Things otherwise are good in Panama. Not a whole lot going on outside of the normal ebbs and flows.  Now if only we could get rid of our soar throats and head down to the beach! Hope all of you are doing well. Stay healthy!

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