Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Another Well Intentioned Blog Draft Written...

...two three weeks ago. But alas, so much has happened that I felt strange to post how our Christmas went. Crazy how busy life gets when you've really got one (and a little one to care for). My goal of writing a post every 2 weeks is going to shambles, but for good reason! This is a long post. You've been warned.

Our Christmas was a particularly memorable one. How could it not be? It is our first Christmas as a family of three! Brooke was uncharacteristically fussy. That usually means a developmental leap is about to happen. Sure enough! She got her first tooth. Needless to say, she wasn't in a very happy mood so pictures and video chatting got put on the back burner. The day was all about making Brooke comfortable.

New Years was an event too. Neighbors bought a muñeco*  in the form of Batman and burned it.  Music was very loud, especially after midnight. Sleeping was not an option. Brooke had a very restless night, and therefore, I did too. Turns out tooth #2 was making an appearance. She now has her two bottom teeth. Exciting stuff!

We are now gearing up for the Pope making a visit later this month. It is rumored that over 1 million visitors are going to be arriving over the next couple of weeks in order to see him. Panama's population last year was right around 4 million. While a lot of people are hoping to see the Pope, Robert and I will not be one of them. Call us crazy, but that kind of traffic jam with adults is not fun. Add an infant and you're talking crazy talk.

Brooke is now 6 months old. She is sitting up unassisted and without having to use her hands to support herself. Sometimes she falls over, but it's usually to reach for a toy and not due to lack of balance. We were waiting for this to happen since we have the green light from her pediatrician to start feeding her fruits and veggies. Woohoo!

The building had a booster seat/high chair that has been floating around for people's visiting grand babies. Somebody had it and thought Brooke could use it. Talk about perfect timing! It was missing straps to secure to the chair. We bought straps that are used to secure surf boards to car roof tops to solve that problem. She takes a lot of interest in our food. Now she gets to see what the hype is!

So far she's only had bananas. She does not seem to be quite sure about what to think of them. Brooke will take a bite, make an "ugh" face, gum the banana, and then smile. Not too much gets spit out and she is eating more and more each day. It is all about exploring at this point, so she's right on track.

Brooke is slowly becoming more mobile too. She isn't crawling. However, she is rolling and inch worming her way around. She was off the rug shortly after this picture was taken. Time to really start baby proofing the house. Maybe we can stay ahead of what she finds...maybe??

That is about all for now. I feel like I have typed this sentence several times with this blog and more updates keep happening or something changes. Time to wrap up this post before I have to change it to "Brooke is now driving." Haha! Hope you're all doing well.

*Muñecos (aka Judas Dolls) that are a tradition specific to this area. They are paper mâché dolls that can be of anyone. They symbolize things that people want to get rid of or give well wishes to with the upcoming year. Muñecos are burned at midnight and may be filled with fireworks. Popular choices for who these resemble vary from year to year, but politicians are always a classic. This year Miss Panama, the first indigenous woman to get the title, was a popular one

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