Thursday, September 18, 2014

So Much To Do, So Little Time

We have been busy with so much lately. Moving has always been a lot of work, but moving out of the country, owning a house that you are hoping to put of for sale soon, and figuring out what you can live without and ship to Panama is a lot of work. This comes from somebody who does not find organizing very relaxing.

We've gone through every room of the house packing what we want to keep and what we are hoping to sell. While we know we can always store things, I think Robert and I are both realizing stuff is just stuff and a lot of what we are getting rid of, we either rarely use, or have little emotional attachment to. It is amazing how much "stuff" a person can have and yet, do we really value it? At the end of the day, there are just some things that we both feel like we can live without and it turns out we have a lot of it.

So alas, a yard sale is in the works and we are pretty much including everything we do not use on a regular basis. Goodbye griddle pan that is awesome for cooking pancakes. Goodbye to a lot of our planting pots, and adios to the random filing cabinet that I got in college as part of another desk set.

Some of the items to be included in the yard sale.

We've also been cleaning the house like crazy. I've been hand scrubbing the linoleum to make sure most of the dirt is out of the nicks and corners of the floor so it looks somewhat presentable when the realtor comes by (which will be be at a date not yet determined). The pantry is wiped down and looks as organized as possible. We'll be donating the non-perishables since we seem to have accumulated a lot of random food since the last time I cleaned out the pantry, which was less than six months ago.

I think one thing I've learned so far in this process is learning about what is really worth value and items that people can live without. At the end of the day, it is all about perspective.

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