Saturday, September 6, 2014

The Introduction and the Announcement

Welcome to our first blog post. If you are reading this, you probably know who we are already. But, just in case...we are Robert and Natalie. With all good things, they must end and new adventures arise. This is our journey into our new adventure.

We have got two dogs and a turtle. We are currently living in Arizona. Robert currently works in the hospitality industry and Natalie is a social worker currently working as a therapist. We play recreational softball, spend time with our animals, and enjoy traveling. We are not native to Arizona but have been here over three years. Robert and Natalie both grew up in Oregon.

Now time for the big announcement. We are currently in the process of moving to Panama. Yes, the country, not the city in Florida. There will be an explanation of why and how later as there are a lot of reasons why. This blog is meant to allow people to follow our journey and the process as we search for houses, talk visas, and move more than 3,000 miles away to a country where we barely speak the language. Cheers to a new chapter in our lives!

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