Monday, November 17, 2014

Just a Quick Update

I know it has been about two weeks since my last post. For some of you looking for updates, I thought now might be a good time to do this. There are not a whole lot of new updates, which is why I have not posted anything lately.

We are still waiting on my FBI report (a criminal background check) to come back. It turns out that the week we submitted our FBI report was the week that they changed their timeframe of returning the document from four weeks to twelve weeks. After seven weeks of waiting, Robert was gracious enough to call the appropriate FBI number which informed him that this change had been made. Go figure!

There is a way to fast track this report through a private agency, so we got a new set of finger print cards completed and resubmitted the request. After this, we will be having to get these legalized by the Panamanian Consulate; we also have do the same for our marriage license.

After we get the documents in order, we may have a clearer idea of when we will be officially be moving. At this point, we only have a timeframe of when we would like to make the move official, although nothing is official. We are still living in Arizona at this time and will be living in Arizona until we move to Panama.

Robert and I are also in the process of taking Spanish classes on the weekends. We also went to the bookstore and found some of our own reading material. It turns out that Sam I Am by Dr. Seuss is Juan Ramón because the character in the book does not like jamón ( which is ham in Spanish).

I think at this point, we've both agreed that our best chances of really learning Spanish is to wait until we move to Panama and cannot avoid using it. I think Robert and I could get by talking to somebody in Spanish if they speak slowly. This might be a task with a high learning curve considering every Panamanian I've spoken to appears to love the fact that they speak really fast Spanish compared to many other Spanish speakers. Whether this is really true or not, their sense of pride for speaking fast, from my view, appears to be very much like the pride somebody may have when they say they are stubborn. I guess it shows that if you have a quality about yourself, you may as well embrace it.

That is all for now. As I said, no major updates. The house is on the market with no serious offers yet. But again, nothing surprising considering how long the house has been on the market. Robert, the animals and I are doing well. We continue to stay busy taking care of the house and personal matters. Life is good for us right now and despite not working our office jobs, we are staying very busy.


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