Thursday, October 30, 2014

Home for Sale.

Does anyone want a house in a family friendly community? If so, our house could be yours! It is official. Our house is for sale.

It seems pretty surreal, and maybe more so since the sign is up for the whole neighborhood to see. Robert has been talking to a lot of the neighbors lately since he has been busy with the yard. I'm sure the sign will likely bring up sparks of new topics in which will allow us to get to "know" our neighbors better.

Actually, we do not know our neighbors. I could count the number of times on two hands that I've spoken to our neighbors...four of those times were neighbors that live about a block away and another was when a neighbor was trick-or-treating with her son last Halloween dressed as a witch. She introduced herself as the "neighbor down the street."  It will be interesting to see whether the sign changes anything, particularly with Halloween right around the corner.

We are still waiting to hear back from the FBI about our fingerprints, however, that has not stopped us from continuing our own process with what we can do in Arizona. Nothing new has really occurred since the last blog. Just more of the same stuff with making sure the house looks clean and organized.

That means I am mopping, dusting, and vacuuming at least three times per week. Prior to the house being put for sale I would do all of this one time per week. This is definitely brand new to me and at times I feel it is over excessive. I believe that with this "excessiveness" will come discipline with other habits that I have yet to master. Ask any of my old co-workers about how my work desk used to look.

We had a family who rescheduled on us several times to look at the house. I believe they came yesterday, but cannot be for certain. Robert and I left the house around 4:40 so we were away from the house when they were supposed to show at 5:00. We took the dogs for a longer than usual walk and came back about 40 minutes later.

We checked to see if we saw any cars in the driveway to explore whether the walk needed to be extended. There were no signs of anyone being in the house. It was kind of an eerie feeling that I have not experienced yet. I was not worried about anyone taking anything, but it is also a strange feeling to be uncertain on whether or not somebody, a stranger mind you, has been in your house. Does that make sense?

It is a weird feeling indeed and one that I believe I am going to have to get used to if we want to sale the house before we leave for Panama,  for which we still do not have an exact date. I also know that this uncomfortable, eerie feeling will not be the last time I feel this way any time soon. This is a new adventure and with new adventures comes a new world of feelings.


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