Saturday, December 27, 2014

A Very Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas. Feliz Navidad. Happy Holidays. We went from 27 degree Celsius (80 degree Fahrenheit) to 14 degrees Celsius  (58 degrees Fahrenheit). What a temperature change! Despite the cold, this trip has been filled with nothing but happiness and enjoyment.

Our first two nights included spending time with my brother,  his fiancé, and their 2.5 year old daughter. This Christmas was particularly special since my niece is now old enough to open presents on her own. She did really well with opening all of them considering all of the gifts she got. Naturally she tossed the clothes to the side and went for all of the noise maker toys.

It was great to see her. We sang "Let It Go" several times and I tried to introduce her to some of my and my brother's favorite songs from movies such as Aladdin and The Lion King. She did not seem to be amused but loved singing other songs in addition to "Let It Go." Naturally as I write this I sing the song in my head. I smile thinking about how my niece sings. I am a very lucky aunty.

The day after visiting my niece I got to go to Robert's hometown, which also happens to be where one of my best friends live. It took about 1.5 hours to get there from where we are staying. 

The clouds were abundant with the green grass fields. These clouds were particularly low. Oohh Oregon I miss you and your beautiful scenery!

Before seeing my friend, we took a pit stop to the fish viewing area. There were no fish in the viewing area. Last time we were here we saw various types of salmon, which is fairly symbolic of the Northwest. 

I know there are a lot of bridges like this, but when I think of Oregon I often think of a classic bridge structure like this going across a body of water such as a river or Ocean. Did I mention I enjoy Oregon?

Shortly after and we were at my friends house. She and her husband recently welcomed a baby boy. Both are typical parents of a newborn: joyful, radiant, and sleep deprived. It was also a great opportunity to see her mom who has been a very big influence with my career. Naturally she gave me several book recommendations. I love that she pushes me to keep learning. 

Tomorrow will involve us likely going to the Oregon Coast. It will be a cool 10 degrees Celsius (50 degrees Fahrenheit) for the high. It will be another 3 hours of driving round trip. After we will be coming back to my home town and going for another 1.5 hour drive totaling about 4.5 hours of driving for one day. 

It will be our last full day in Oregon and I figure I can say goodbye to the Pacific Northwest in a typical Oregon fashion by going to the coast with my parents. The sun in Oregon will set on this Pacific Ocean. Where we will be living in Panama, the sun rises over the Pacific Ocean due to the shape of the country. I will enjoy this poetic metaphor and enjoy our last full day in Oregon. 

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