Saturday, December 6, 2014

Close but Not Yet

Last week was filled with really great news and frustrating news. Robert and I always feel we have a lot to be thankful for, and since it was our last Thanksgiving before moving to Panama, we both enjoyed spending it at his sister's house. There was an abundance of food and a lot of smiling and laughing.

One thing we had most to be thankful for was the update on our house. We got an offer and decided to accept the offer. The potential buyers were to pay in cash and the only catch was that they wanted to close by December 12, 2014. This is a very short deadline considering we are hoping to be in Panama around December 8. None the less, Robert and I accepted the challenge.

On another awkward note the people who put in the offer thought the house was vacant and some how got a key to the house. The day after Thanksgiving they came in to take pictures. The house was very disorderly: bags from the day before were on the counter, the bed was not made, and there were dishes in the kitchen sink. It was pretty embarrassing but also funny.

My main task focused on getting the kitchen in order. Most of the items shown will be donated to a local non-pofit agency.

Robert and I are shipping the beds to Panama. They are wrapped up and ready to go! We are staying with Robert's parents until the official move.

 Robert and I commend Dexter for his lengthy strides to not get caught. Wrapping things up is a lot of work and a lot of bubble wrap!

This was more or less how we spent our weekend. It was a lot of work but it was needed. We were both excited and had one less thing to worry about.

As it turns out, according to our realtor, the couple buying the house were getting a divorce and retracted the offer. They did so within their allotted timeline, which was stated in their contract.
Robert and I are doing a pretty good job staying as optimistic as possible despite being a bit discouraged. While I have a lot of questions, including why somebody whose marriage is on the rocks would look for a new house and put an offer on it, I am also trying to take this as a time of reflection.

On the plus side, Robert and I received our documents from the Panamanian Consulate today. This means that we can now plan our trip for going to Panama to apply for the visas in person and also what our Christmas holiday will look like. The plus side to this is now that we do not have to worry about making sure the house is spotless since we will not be living in it.

The next step is to buy plane tickets to travel to Panama and begin our visa process, open a bank account, and try to look for a place to stay. Panama visa request, here we come!

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