Sunday, July 5, 2015

A Reflection One Year Later

It's hard to believe that it has been just over a year since Robert and I came to Panama on vacation. At first, the idea of vacationing in Panama was less than thrilling-after all, wasn't it a third world country? We fell in love with what is now our home and now have a life here. We continue to build our life up in a place that once seemed exotic place, which we now proudly call our home.

Clouds which once added mystery are now a welcomed sign of welcomed weather

All of these pictures are from our vacation June 2014

The new locks which are now part of the latest canal expansion. A year changes a lot of things!

Panama has taught me a lot about myself and about the world. My outlook on life has changed.  Things that I felt were once black and white are now grey and no longer definite; likewise, the things I felt were grey have become a bit more polarized. I know changing views is part of growing, but I feel like this adventure has only enhanced that. I only hoped that Panama would give me a sliver of what it has given me.

I think about my life and where I am. Life is an adventure. I keep learning, reflecting, and learning more. Robert also helps a lot with this. We challenge each other in ways, including pushing each other intellectually. Life has its ups and downs, but there hasn't been a day I haven't regretted vacationing to Panama to discover how wonderful it is.

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