Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Puppy Tails and Mosquito Bites

Good news! There have been no new snakes found inside or around the house! Bad news: much like last week, nothing really exciting happened this week. We still have the puppies, and now a ton of mosquito bites.

I think we are both eager to start decreasing the pet population once we start finding homes for them. However, we aren't quite ready to sit outside a grocery store to give them away since they still have a few minor health problems. In the mean time we are enjoying them. We've since named all of them (it was easier than referring to them by varying characteristics) and have made makeshift toys so they will chew on those rather than on our feet.

Although they love going after my skirt

While for the most part the puppies have learned to chew on other things besides us, the mosquitos are a different story. Wearing shorts is hard right now since I have counted over 60 mosquito bites on one leg; that is not including arms, the bottom of my feet (make that four), my torso, or my face. In essence, I look diseased. I am trying hard not to scratch. I highly advise anyone to invest in anti-itch cream since we seem to bathe in it-although those seem to have limited abilities also. 

As a result I have postponed shaving my legs. Luckily the worst parts of my legs are healing so I can shave in a few days. My leg hairs seem to be sticking to everything like velcro and it's time for that to stop. I know what you may be thinking, why don't you just use Off or Avon's Skin So Soft or....? The short and simple answer is that it isn't practical and Off, in my opinion, smells better than Skin So Soft, in other words, both smell awful. 

At any rate, these guys are pretty cute and they are some of the smartest dogs I have met. They pretty much know what they can get away with and what they shouldn't be doing. Case in point, they shouldn't go out of the fence. While most of them play with temptation, one got the idea to only go half way through.

I am not sure how much longer we'll keep them until we try to find a shelter. Until then, we'll continue to enjoy the six additional cuties in our lives. 

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