Monday, September 14, 2015

Snakes in a Shower: Our Morning Adventure

The morning started off in perfect fashion: the puppies started crying to eat and play at 4:30am. Robert was kind enough to let me sleep in while he fed the puppies and took them outside. The puppies must have had a lot of energy today since by the time I woke up at 6:00 Robert was just getting inside; he looked exhausted. I tried to take over puppy duty as I got ready to go to yoga, while Robert went back to sleep. As I was getting ready I was trying to think about what to write for the blog.

Maybe I won't post anything. After all, telling people we had roasted broccoli with dinner last night is not very interesting....

Robert was trying to sleep as I took a shower. Showers are one of the best places for me to think and clear my mind. What to do about the blog...what to do about the blog....and then it happened.

I was rinsing my hair with conditioner, almost finished with my shower. I looked down, saw a black something and tried to get a stream of water to make it move down the drain not giving it a lot of thought. I was unsure what it was exactly, maybe a bug or string; I figured the stream of water would cause it to float down the drain and did not think much of it. It moved so I attempted a second stream. Man this thing is stubborn. 

I finally looked at what I was trying to wash down and immediately screamed for a sleeping Robert.

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We didn't have a string or a little bug in our shower. We had a baby snake in our shower. Before getting to the bathroom Robert asked whether or not it was a caterpillar since he recently saw a black caterpillar in our other bathroom. Robert saw it and went for his shoe. I have no idea why I let him kill roaches, spiders and other creepy crawlies, but for some reason I could not let Robert smash the snake.

Robert discovered it was a Ringneck Snake which isn't "technically" poisonous, according to Wikipedia whatever that means. 

I watched the snake while he grabbed tupperware bowl and a piece of paper. Robert needed something a little stronger to keep the snake in the tupperware before flipping over. I found a cardboard photo envelope. It worked! I offered him a pillow case to try to make it easier to try to prevent the snake from wiggling out...after all, Steve Irwin used to use them when wrangling snakes. Not my best idea.

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Robert declined the pillow sheet but asked me to open the door and unlock the gate. I opened the door and unlocked the gate for Robert. He was generous enough to put the snake in a field across the street as per my suggestion. Robert turned to me, took a deep breath, smiled and told me he loved me. I know you do Robert...

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