Friday, May 26, 2017

Yoga and Me

Woo, two blog posts in the same month. This is a record, given my lack of attention to Pamamerican Perspective. It is hard to believe that June is right around the corner. Yoga has been my latest focus and it is awesome!

I am currently on day 8 of a goal I have that involves doing a yoga practice for 30 days. The practice can be 10 minutes or over an hour, as long as it is a practice. Some may call it a challenge, but I don't see it this way. Yoga is very enjoyable for me. I have learned a lot about my self and my body over a short time. I feel like I have become more mindful of my body and of myself. Some of this may be because of me practicing yoga on and off for the last 7 years, but I feel like I have already grown in the last 8 days.

Since we are on the topic of yoga, here are some things I have discovered about the practice throughout my experience. These are questions or comments I often hear from people who are curious about yoga but aren't quite sure where to start.

Flexibility is more than being able to touch your toes or fold into a pretzel. A good teacher will provide other options for poses that may require more flexibility than others. Props including straps and blocks, pillows, and blankets, are also great for helping somebody enjoy the benefits of a pose.

Yoga is about flexibility of the mind too. Over time you will become more physically flexible. You also will also gain more self awareness. I feel that the mental flexibility has taken longer in some respects than some of the physical aspects.

The key is to listen to your body. There is a fine line between exploring your boundaries and hurting yourself. This is where mental and physical flexibility come in. Honor your body and be curious about your body. You may be surprised what you can really do. Like life, we are all in different parts of our practice. Your friend next to you may be able to do a pose you hope to do someday; and it goes both ways. Honor your body and honor your limits.

Some poses are easier than others. Each day varies. No matter how many times you do a pose, even the most basic and easy ones can be challenging on any given day. It happens to all of us. Some poses are easier for some people than others. This may apply regardless of how long you've practiced. Again, the key is to honor your body and to not compare yourself to others. You're a rockstar regardless of your level!

Nobody really cares what you wear to yoga. Yoga clothes and the $78 pair of yoga capris are not going to give you any more yoga-zen powers than the $15 pair of capris you buy at Target. The same applies to pretty much any yoga clothing. What matters is how you feel in them. In general I like to look for clothes that are form fitting, flexible, and not baggy. Clothes that work for you can make a difference on whether you're focusing on your clothing or your pose in yoga. My pants in the picture fit almost all of the criteria. The only downside is that my foot slips on them, taking my focus away from some of my poses (see the balance picture above). They were $3 at a local store down here.

Yoga is for almost everyone. I am a believer in this and will be until I am proven otherwise. The practice can occur just about anywhere. Even airports are incorporating yoga rooms! If going up and down on the floor is not a great way to honor your body then try it in a chair. I practiced chair yoga with my mom in December. We both enjoyed our 20 minute session. Youtube is a great source for yoga classes, including chair yoga.

Our smaller dog guiding me into Lizard pose. 

This is me on my soap box today about yoga. As you can tell, I really enjoy yoga. Panama has provided us with so many opportunities, including the chance to rekindle with things we've enjoyed including yoga and hiking. I think Robert and I have changed a lot in the last two years since we moved here. We've become better people as a result. And that's what's going on this week!

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