Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Our Last Major Trip!

It has been over a month since the last blog post, ending a fairly good record of consistently blogging. The past month has been filled with fast paced adventures with few dull moments in between. Our month has revolved around traveling and the baby. Get ready for a long post ya'll!

We planned a trip to the US, which was about five weeks in the making. As luck would have it, I woke up feeling a little groggy two days before we were supposed to fly out. Within 24 hours I was at a clinic being told that I had a stomach bug. Traveling in a car for very long was not an option, let alone in a plane. The trip had to be postponed.  So much for our plans. 

The timing actually worked out okay. A few things happened during that time that needed to be addressed in person. It was not fun being sick, but the timing worked out. It seemed like most of Oregon was getting snow flurries anyway, which would have made our visiting plans a little more difficult.

We were on a plane within five days of our original flight date. Our first stop was staying at my brother's house. We got to see our niece and nephew and also enjoyed a hike. My mom also planned a small baby shower. Our second stop was staying with my parents, who live about 90 minutes from my brother. Robert and my dad went golfing. I snuck in a yoga class. We visited friends as well.

Baby shower gifts!

Hiking Cooper Mountain Nature Park. The jackets were off within 15 minutes of that picture.

The next stop was Arizona. We stayed with Robert's parents.  We went to Tucson and bought cloth diaper covers, ate at Tucson Tamale Company, and visited the Biosphere2. Robert and his dad went golfing, and I snuck in some yoga! We tried to visit with as many people as possible.

Our trip was also focused around eating food we normally couldn't eat. Del Taco, Arbys, and In n Out, were some of our go to fast food places. Robert and I also ate at Si SeƱor, which has amazing New Mexican style food. My mom also made some classic family foods, including one that her mom used to make! Blueberries were eaten like candy in both states.

People seemed to have some similar questions regarding the pregnancy. Here were a few things that were commonly asked.

  • Are you showing yet?
    • Yep! I had a small belly in Oregon that wasn't super obvious. It was a little more obvious in Arizona. This is more of an update, but people do ask!
  • Do you know if you're having a boy or a girl?
    • Nope! We aren't finding out until s/he is born. We use the pronouns he and she interchangeably when discussing the baby...just an FYI if you talk to us. 
  • Do you have any names picked out?
    • We've talked about it but have not settled on anything. 
  • How are you feeling? 
    • I am feeling great! I generally workout/do yoga 4-6 times a week. The trip was a bit of an exception, but I am now back to my regular routine. Being active is a nice way to relax for me.
  • Where will you be giving birth? Are you using a doctor, a midwife, a ?????
    • I am under the care of an OBGYN that Robert and I both like and trust. One of our next things on our to do list is to find a private hospital in Panama City, which is about an hour away from us. 
Did I miss any questions? Let me know!

Robert and I are back to our normal routines here. We enjoyed our visit to the States, but it's great to be back home too. I did take pictures were taken throughout our trip. However, I forgot to send them to my email before we left. All of the pictures are on my US phone. Thanks to my sister in law for taking the two photos above used! Also, thanks to everyone we got to visit. Seeing family and friends is always one of the best parts of visiting. Until next time USA!

The sunrise from this morning

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