Saturday, June 9, 2018

A Tale of Having to Conserve Water While Nesting

If there is one thing I have realized about living in Panama it's that clean water is a beautiful, and rare thing that many take for granted—including myself. I thought I had an appreciation of it before, but this week helped me appreciate it a little more than usual.

What was going on? We had a heavy rain storm last weekend which resulted in the local water treatment plant to need repairs. This meant that we had to conserve water. Neither of these events are that uncommon, and it is likely that heavy rains will cause additional repairs this season.

We were originally told that the repairs would take a day. The repairs were to occur Monday and that we could expect water to return Tuesday. That did not happen. We continued on with our week conserving water as much as possible. A two or three day repair is nothing unusual. The water company usually supplies water via water trucks. However, for unknown reasons to me, this did not happen this time around. We were on full water conservation mode.

Other surrounding towns were also on short supply of water. It seemed like everyone was unsure of what exactly was going on with the water situation, other than there was none coming in.

Here is where I come in! The last week or so I have been starting to nest. Am I crazy for wanting to dust off the hooks where we hang our hats? Of course not! Now get to dusting the hooks! 

Friday night came and still no water. A pregnancy meltdown may or may not have happened. What if we never get water again? How are we going to wash dirty diapers and the dirty clothes? I was getting annoyed by the ever growing pile of laundry and the lack of clean clothes. Water conservation mode or not, I was going to do laundry.

As it turned out, the repairs were done and water conservation mode was over on Saturday. I could feel a little less guilty for dipping into any water reserves our building had and do a happy dance in the process. This whole week has given me a whole new appreciation for the value of water and just how much I take it for granted. After all, it is a precious and rare thing.

A few FAQs:

How are you feeling?

Great for the most part. Baby is getting into position to be born. This means that my lower back has started hurt at times and I have started the pregnancy waddle. Exercise, yoga, and ice seem to temporarily help alleviate the discomfort. Otherwise things are good and both me and the baby are healthy.

We are feeling anxious and excited too. Less than six weeks to go until we find out if we are parents to a baby boy or girl!

Do you have any "mothers intuition" on whether you're having a boy or girl?

I do not. Your guess is as good as mine at this point. The whole concept of how some women "just know" kind of baffles me. Kuddos to those expecting mothers though!

Are you planning for baby #2 yet?

Can't we just concentrate on baby #1 first?

Is your mom going to be in the delivery room?

She is not. Don't worry though, both sets of grandparents will get plenty of opportunities to hold and cuddle with their grandchild.

These are some that I can think off top my head. I am trying to keep a relatively long post on the short side. Feel free to let me know if you have any other questions!

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