Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Stuff, Stuff, and more Stuff...

I have one question for everyone: how does one accumulate so much stuff? There are only two people living in our house and although we felt like we had a "big" yard sale, I am quickly realizing that we did not even come close to selling/giving away things. Many of the things I am coming across now are things I have forgotten about.

Case in point, I came across my graduation gown from Arizona State University. Honestly, I kind of forgot that I had it. I'm not sure where this will end up, but for now it is tucked away in a box in my closet.

For those of you wondering, the red shoes are an inside
joke from when I graduated Oregon State University.

This is what will be donated to a local food bank. Some of the stuff is non-perishable food, while others are gently used clothes. There is also a nice stock pile of hotel/travel sized hygiene products.  I love to collect soaps and conditioners from hotels and donate them.

I did not put the boxes in very good so I had to put the seats down. Obviously my Tetris playing skills could use some work. This is what my car looks like after reorganizing some boxes.

Although I am no longer working, I feel like there is plenty to do. I know now that this is what I'm supposed to focus my attention on, despite missing my families and co-workers. We still do not a definitive date of when our move will occur, but I'm sure we'll continue to stay busy as we narrow down what we want to bring to Panama.


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