Sunday, October 19, 2014

One Crazy Weekend

This has been yet another busy week for our family. I am not quite sure how we could have done all of this if we still had our jobs in addition to what we accomplished. I know people do this all the time and have jobs, kids, and the like, but this week has flown by. In order to move to Panama, we are having to sell pretty much everything, including both vehicles and our house.

We haven't put the vehicles up for sale yet but we did meet with the realtor in order to begin the process of selling our house.  Our house is not officially on the market yet, meaning that there is no "For Sale" sign in the front of the yard. However, our realtor informed us that somebody within his agency has a client that is interested in looking in this area and would like to come by Monday to check it out. Many of the things we expected to do were going to happen eventually including sort through/box things up, landscape the yard and do odd and end projects that we were planning on doing anyway. The fact that somebody is actually going to be looking at the house makes the process of everything done perfectly even more dire.

The master bathroom is ready to go!

The person who lived here did not install everything properly. Luckily this lovely
towel holder came off the wall right as we start doing things around the house. 

We went plant shopping and stayed under our budget, which made Robert and I both very happy. The people are the nursery were also very helpful and managed to get the plants delivered the next morning. 

Robert dug holes along the front and back yards. Normally the dirt is so hard that professional landscapers use jackhammers with spades on them to dig bigger holes. Although this could have been an option, it was not needed. I think the rain in recent weeks helped soften the ground enough to make these holes "easy" to dig. 

The holes are covered and ready for the plant delivery in the morning. 

Because of the high mineral content of the soil in our area, it is generally a good idea to fill holes with water first. Not only does it soften the ground, but it also pushes a lot of the minerals down to the bottom of the hole, which can have a layer of nice, nutrient rich soil.

Water in a hole.
Our yard before the holes and new plants

Our yard after landscaping.

In general, Robert did a lot of the outside labor while I did a lot of the inside stuff. I vacuumed and shampooed the carpets. Because of our team effort, I know the house will be ready to go for tomorrow. We still need to do some final touches on organizing. This has been a tiring weekend, but Robert and I got it done. We make a great team and I am glad that I get to go on this journey with him. 

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