Monday, June 22, 2015

Technical Difficulties

What a week! I have been having technical difficulties like none other the past few days! My laptop stopped working so I had to send it to the US for repair in order to keep my warranty.

I am using a tablet to write my blog. Until I get my laptop back, my blogs will probably not have very many pictures on them. Sorry! My blogs will also be fairly short. Also, sorry!

After one very expensive, but helpful phone call, I was left with the cheapest option to send it back to the US for free repairs. Thank goodness I have a tablet and a keyboard (although the keys are very tiny). Most of my work is done on the computer!

No surfing lately-it has either been too windy or the swells have been small. The dogs are doing well. They expect their morning walk and avoid me the rest of the day if it doesn't happen.

I also volunteered again to help teach the English class. It is a nice opportunity to do something social-worky. Have you ever realized how "fits" and "fix" sound a lot like? I did not until it was discussed with one of the students and now I keep thinking about other words that sound similar also like dessert and desert. Ahh the simple things in life!

As a side note, I swore I posted this last week. Again, sorry. I owe some explaining, which I will do this Saturday. But here is the post that was supposed to be for June, 13, 2015....

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