Wednesday, October 21, 2015

A Standup Paddleboard Experience

This week has been boring. I was expecting a snake in the shower this morning to give me yet another thing to blog about, but no such thing happened. And I'm okay with that. But something awesome did happen, we got to go out and get a lesson on Standup Paddleboarding, or other times abbreviated SUP.

What is this you might ask? Basically it is a larger surfboard that you paddle around. People also do other things with it, including  race, surf, yoga, and fish. No yoga on my first lesson; I was just happy that I stood up!

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It was a pretty choppy day that day so I didn't stay out long, but I could definitely see the appeal to this. While I could see myself doing more paddle boarding than I am now, I think surfing on a surfboard will continue to be my method of surfing.

In other news, one of our air-conditioning units went out! We have three individual ones in the house: one in each room and in the living room. Ours went out in the living room. This is primarily the reason why this post is so late. Who really wants to do anything when it is 90 in the house with no breeze?

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Luckily the air conditioning unit works just fine in the bedroom. It is not the most fun thing right now, but it will be fixed in no time and until then, I can be reminded of just all of the luxuries I take for granted.

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