Tuesday, October 6, 2015

The Hard Part about Living so Far Away

This past week has been filled with despair and sorrow. I was outside with the puppies when Robert told me there was a shooting at Umpqua Community College (UCC). Wait, what?  I have a few very close connections in Roseburg, including people that work and go to school at UCC.

I immediately began texting people. Luckily everyone I know personally came out physically unscathed although they cannot say the same mentally. It was definitely a day to be thankful to be alive.

It was surreal to hear about the shooting on the radio news here and get messages and saw social media posts from my friends in Europe and Australia. After all, how often do we really hear about international news in the States? Maybe that is just me though? 

I love living in Panama, but this was one of these instances where I wish I lived closer to home. I admit, I am not entirely sure what I could have done to help or "make things better" but that does not stop me for wanting to show my support.

Roseburg, may you heal in time and grow stronger in the process.

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