Sunday, October 25, 2015

Sickness has Struck!

Is it Sunday already? Where did this week go? Oh wait, I know; I've been sleeping through a lot of it. Robert has had a cold for the past two weeks and I have the flu for the last three days. After thinking we were invincible to some of the typical yearly illnesses, (and I did think that a few weeks ago) I was proven wrong.

Life is very ironic at times and when you feel like you are invincible you are proven wrong! The upside to being sick now is that hopefully we are both well enough to participate in some of the upcoming festivities and holidays. There are a lot of upcoming ones in the month of November.

Photo link
While I will not go into a lot of detail, here is a list of the upcoming holidays for November:

2, November- Dia de los Muertos (day of the dead). 
This day is to celebrate and honor ancestors who have died. 

3, November- Separation Day
This holiday celebrates Panama becoming independent from Colombia in 1903.

4, November-Flag Day
Although the current design is significantly different than the original proposed design, this one was designed by a Panamanian to reflect the current politics of the time. 

5, November-Colon Day
Basically Panama's version of Columbus Day

10, November-First Cry of Independence 
This day celebrates when a townsmen from a village called La Villa de Los Santos requested help from Colombia with gaining independence from Spain. Eighteen days later Panama was no longer under Spain's control. Panama would remain under Colombia's reign for the next 80 years until 3, November 1903. 

28, November-Independence Day
A celebration of independence from Spain. 

A few other facts that I am sure people may be wondering:
  • Halloween is really only celebrated by expats (aka foreigners) here, although many stores sell costumes and Halloween candy. Why? Why not, I guess
  • Thanksgiving is another holiday for expats and is not celebrated in Panama. Although Black Friday has trickled down to this part of the world.

Needless to say, things here are going to be pretty crazy soon. It is exciting to start rounding out our year of being in Panama with being able to be part of the festivities. Fingers crossed that we are not sick by the time the celebrations start!

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