Thursday, December 13, 2018

A Thanksgiving/ Mother's Day to Remember

Really?! How was it that my last post was over a month ago? I promise, I had a draft of one. It just wasn't finished. Agh!  So here is the original post:

The great thing about living in an expat community is that you learn about cultures and traditions in other countries. Our first Thanksgiving consisted of people from 7 different countries celebrating a US holiday. How cool, right? This year's Thanksgiving Day (T-Day) was a bit more scaled down, but still very unforgettable. After all, how can you forget your baby's first round of holidays?

We had a potluck T-Day at a friend's house. This year 3 countries were represented: the United States, Canada, and Thailand. Robert did not make his famous pies; somebody else volunteered for that. Kind of a bummer, but it worked out since they are a bit time consuming to do. Instead, we made dressing, honey butter, and brought rolls.

It was interesting because Canada also has a Thanksgiving. It occurs in October and is about more of the harvest rather than the Pilgrims. Canadians say that this is a big day for people in the US compared to their version of the holiday. People in the States go all out and travel hours to see family. That sort of traveling tends to happen more on Christmas for Canadians.

Robert and I always have a lot to be thankful for. This year is no exception because we got to celebrate it with Brooke.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

A Holiday Weekend and No Time Change

November is a busy month for Panama. Not only does it mark the time for snowbirds to come make their way down (snowbirds are people who live here during the winter), but it is also is when holidays begin. This weekend kicks off the holiday season.

Here is a list of the holidays this month:

Nov 2-Dia de los Muertos
Nov 3-Separation from Colombia Day. Gringos tend to call it an independence day, but it isn't. Panama was never ruled by Colombia
Nov 4-Flag Day
Nov 5-Colón Day. When the townspeople of Colón stopped Colombian troops from marching into Panama City (celebrated more in Colón than the rest of the country).
Nov 10-Shout to Villa de Los Santos. The start of the revolution against Spain
Nov 28-Independance from Spain

The explanations of these are fairly watered down, but I imagine you get the gist. Most of these are paid holidays as well. It is my understanding that Panamanians get something like 30 paid holidays each year, plus a month's vacation. Not bad, huh?

This weekend normally results in busy beaches filled with people and blasting music until wee hours of the morning (welcome to Panama). Not this weekend! It has been relatively rainy and kind of on the cold side, resulting in fewer people on the beaches. 

We went shopping a few days before the rush started. You have to otherwise lines rival Black Friday lines in the US. Buying milk and butter can result in you standing in a line for over 2 hours. Thanks, but no thanks.

Most of the world also changed their clocks today. Living in Arizona got me spoiled by not having to do this. Panama also does not change their clocks. How cool! We are now in the same timezone as the East Coast of the US, still 2 hours ahead of Arizona, and now 3 hours ahead of Pacific (Oregon/California) time. 

No pictures in this post. Kind of boring, I know. I have nothing to post! Robert and I have been hunkered inside. Take care and be safe!

Monday, October 29, 2018

Our First Halloween

Happy Halloween everyone! This year has been exciting in a lot of ways thanks to Brooke. Having an excuse to dress up is no exception. We got to celebrate Halloween for the first time as a family. Woohoo!

Panama does not celebrate the day. Trick-or-treating doesn't happen here. They celebrate Dia de los Muertos instead. This day is about celebrating and remembering loved ones that have died. Watch the Pixar movie, Coco, if you're curious. The movie is cute and it explains the holiday in a Disney/Pixar kind of way.

Okay, so no Halloween in Panama. Why did you dress up?

How could we not dress up Brooke on her first Halloween? There was a 5k/2k walk/run to raise money for a local swim team. Because it was on the 28th, participants were encouraged to dress up if they so chose. We used this as an excuse for a family costume (although it would probably have happened regardless). Neither Robert or I can really recall the last time we dressed up for Halloween; it's been at least 16 years for me.

For those who do not understand the're welcome by the way

Unfortunately, we ended up leaving before the 2k walk started. We waited over 30 minutes after our walk was supposed to start. It was hot and humid. Brooke was asleep so she didn't seem to mind it. However, we would have been done with the walk had it started on time. Looking for respite from the heat, we left. 

Surprisingly, Brooke wasn't the only baby there! It turns out there are other moms with littles in the area. The community isn't just a retirement community after all! It was kind of exciting. It was also nice to see friends and people I haven't seen since Brooke was born. 

As a side note/rant: please do not ever think you are entitled to see anyone else's baby. One woman (who I recognized but couldn't tell you where from) was overly insistent on seeing Brooke's face. Brooke was asleep and had her face buried in my shoulder. Any chance I can change my outfit from a mama shark to a mama bear? 
I get it. Babies are usually cute and draw a lot of attention. Don't be like that lady. Respect boundaries and know you are entitled to nothing when it comes to somebody else's child.

The event may not have worked out as planned. We ended up having a fun day. Dressing up as a family was fun. Looking forward to what we come up with next year. Have a great Halloween!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Sore Throats Throttle our Plans

Brooke had her 2 month wellness checkup a week ago. Naturally, there had to be a coughing kid. His caregivers are teaching that sharing is caring, because he cared enough to share it with some of us in the office, including us. How to the receptionists not get sick by the way? Also, please excuse any awful grammar mistakes.

Originally I thought I was not drinking enough water. I easily drink over 4 liters (a gallon) of water a day and it was morning when that little tickle started hitting. A bottle later, problem solved. Or so I thought! This illness has been a gradual onset for me with a sore throat. Robert has been a different story. He got hit hard and fast. Unfortunately for him, he couldn't take time off work so he has not had a chance to really rest.

I think Brooke is getting it too. Luckily my body is producing antibodies in my breast milk to help with whatever funk we all have. Work antibodies! Work! 

All this scrapped plans for an event I have been looking forward to for a while: taking Brooke swimming for the first time. The go ahead was given by her doctor at her 1 month wellness checkup, but those plans had to get postponed. The hurricane in the East Coast of the US gave us very strong waves, preventing us from taking Brooke out. Did I mention her pediatrician prefers us to take her out in the ocean versus a chlorinated pool?

This week seemed perfect now that the storm has died down and waves are nice and calm. It is with the exception of us being sick. We are not the only ones, however. It seems like there is a bug going around.

I am very fortunate that my symptoms are less severe than Robert's. Trying to clear your throat or cough quietly/gracefully in order to prevent from waking a sleeping baby on your chest, is a whole new ball game for me. I kind of have to chuckle about as I write this. Parenthood is everything I hoped for and more, in every aspect.

Things otherwise are good in Panama. Not a whole lot going on outside of the normal ebbs and flows.  Now if only we could get rid of our soar throats and head down to the beach! Hope all of you are doing well. Stay healthy!

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Cloth Diapers, Milk, and Photos

I think it's safe to assume that our lives, especially mine as a nursing mother, has been centered around Brooke. Adjusting to parenthood is kind of a strange thing. Brooke gets what she wants, when she wants. She is great at communicating like that. We wouldn't have it any other way.

It is kind of strange to think that a small little being has so much power and control over your life. She is a great communicator if you pay attention. Hungry? Go to Mommy. Tired? Time to figure out what motion (bouncing, rocking, walking, a back rub) will help. Diaper change? Done!

It is amazing how fast she is growing though. Literally! While I cannot say for sure, I am confident that she has more than doubled her birth weight. She loves her dad, mom, and her milk! Her latest thing has been enjoying nursing while being bounced on an exercise ball. Being rocked on the exercise ball or having mommy doing crunches while nursing is also another thing Brooke loves. She however, does not like being nursing in a rocking chair. Although I don't blame her since her feet have to go through the little side bars of the arm rest. I don't like nursing her there anyways, so it is a mutual agreement. If this is not an indication that she is a great communicator, then I do not know what is.

The whole diapering thing has been an adventure. We originally intended to cloth diaper from the start. We have prefolds, covers, cloth wipes...the works. However, Brooke was born smaller than the intended prefold size since I opted out of the newborn size. She is ready to fit in them but now we are at the drawing board trying to figure out what we need to do to prevent the ever dreaded diaper rash.

In a cloth diaper
Disposables (sposies) have been used in the mean time. Those aren't cheap ya'll! We've spent about the same amount on sposies as we have our whole cloth diaper stash that is intended to last Brooke well into toddlerhood and could be used by other future littles! By the way, if you're keeping track, Brooke is not even 2 months old yet. I am also not fond of all the extra waste going into the landfill, but that is a different post.

People ask for pictures of Brooke all the time. If you're friends with me on Facebook then you know that I am not a big social media poster or that I post many photos. Brooke is no exception. I try to limit my screen time when she is awake. Sometimes she will be doing something adorable and cute that is "totally picture worthy." I found myself getting so caught up in trying to get the cutest photo that I missed out on what she was actually doing. Fast forward 5 or 6 photos later and I feel like my focus was on the wrong thing. But hey, at least I have a cute picture now. Right?

The other thing, to be quite frank, is I don't know who is seeing these pictures and what people are doing with them. I already have strange stories I could share, but that is for another time. Want to see her? Come visit! We'd love to see you.

A typical photo now a days so my focus is on her when she is awake

Becoming a parent has been an initiation by fire, for sure. It has been the best and hardest thing. Although she doesn't realize this, Brooke pushes me and makes me want to be a better person, not unlike Robert. Life is a little more crazy, and a little tiring. It's also a lot brighter and better. Life in Panama is good ya'll!

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Our Baby Girl, Brooke

This post comes a month late but...We are officially parents! Brooke was born on 16 July in the evening and weighed 5lbs 12oz. She is healthy and was a full time baby. Robert and I are head over heels with her and all her tiny preciousness. Here are some of the details you may or may not be curious regarding her birth. People have asked for these details though so here ya go...

My water broke Sunday evening while I was making dinner. Time to head to the hospital! Ironically enough, we still hit a little traffic with people heading home from the beaches area. Luckily it cleared up before we got to the city, and wasn't as bad as Monday rush hour traffic. I was not experiencing contractions at this point.

The doctor gave me 12 hours to go into labor without being induced. Robert and I both took naps. Word of advice: bring a blanket for dads/support people who are in the laboring room. Those rooms get cold!

No progress after 12 hours, so I got induced. Small contractions finally started happening. I eventually got the contractions but was not dilating. I was given medicine to help with dilation. It did not work. My ever clever doctor had some techniques up her sleeve. The baby was not in distress so my natural birth plan carried on.

Labor slowly progressed. My exercise ball and Robert were game changers. The initial birth plan was to go without an epidural. The words finally came from my doctor, "let's get you to the delivery room." Sweet Jesus, it's almost over with! By this point I was in a windowless room dealing with waves of contractions. I was ready to meet our baby.

People have asked how long I was pushing. They ask how long I was in labor. I do not know since I had no time reference. What I do know is that my doctor, the pediatrician, the laboring staff, and Robert were huge supports. They helped me do what I needed in order for us to become parents and without an epidural. I also know that Brooke immediately gave both of us an indescribable sense of joy and elation.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

It's all Fun and Games for Now

The countdown is on for when the little will arrive. Workouts and yoga have temporarily stopped. Finishing last minute projects have been a focus. It seems like now is just a waiting game–pun intended. The last week has literally been about chilling out, relaxing, and playing games.

Robert and I went to Panama City last week and watched Sicario 2. We both enjoyed the first one and were hoping that the second movie would be released here. While not quite as good as the original (the first was really good), the second movie was still enjoyable and worth the drive to the city. Benicio del Toro brings his usual command and charisma to the screen. Put both of these movies on your "to watch" list if you have not seen either of these movies. You'll thank me later. This applies even if you are like me and find these movies a bit out of your typical movie genre preferences.

We had a game and dinner night with friends. We played Hand and Foot. The girls lost, but it was still fun. I also snuck in some Mah Jong. I am not very good at the game. Luckily the people I play with play to win but aren't super competitive about it either.

Has anyone been keeping up with the World Cup? I thought I would jump off the bandwagon once Panama was out of it. Wrong! Upset after upset keeps happening. Teams that were expected to be in the quarter-finals aren't, including Germany and Brazil. I wonder how many people who made brackets and placed bets actually made money this go-around?

Wednesday involved a ladder ball tournament with people who live in our building. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the game, you have a ladder with three bars. You can play either play with two or four people at a time, creating teams of two if playing with four people (which is the most fun by the way) Each bar has a point value of 1-3. You are then given balls that are attached with a rope and the object is to "hook" the balls onto the ladder. The first to a certain point value wins the game. It is like a hybrid of shuffleboard and horseshoes.

Lastly, this week involved me reading two books.  Every Man in this Village is a Liar: an Education on War, by Megan Stack, was the first. The book is about a journalist's accounts while she reported throughout the Middle East during the early 2000s. The second book, The Heart of Abshire House, by Tai Sith, is a sequel to The Incredible Secrets of Hadley Hill. One book made me think about views on foreign policy. The other was a mix of adventure, mystery, and romance. Both are good reads, depending on the kind of book genres you're into (read "Hadley Hill" before you read "Abshire House").


All of this meant I took a bit of a Facebook/technology hiatus. I posted something last week about how I was planning on staying off Facebook. Social media is great in a lot of ways, after all, I get paid to be on it and I enjoy staying up to date with family and friends. There comes a point where you just need a break. I got several messages asking about whether I was in labor. Nope, just taking a break.

Rumors seem to be going around that I am ready to not be pregnant anymore. FALSE...well sort of! I am ready to meet our kiddo on his terms. We are also about as ready as we can be regarding baby items. We are ready for her. I will admit, sleeping on my back again is going to be awesome. We are both in good spirits, and I kind of am enjoying the fact that taking care of the kiddo at this point is easy. I think other people are getting more impatient than we are.

Life is good though and we are officially on for Panamanian Baby Watch '18. As you might understand, a blog post every 2 weeks for a bit may not be possible for a while. The topic shift is likely change a bit too, as our Panamanian adventures shift into an introduction of parenthood in Panama.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

The Tiles, The World Cup, a Baby Shower and more...

Yep, a lot has been going on this week. I know I say we are busy, but we really were busy. The last week involved (finally) getting our kitchen tiles fixed. The World Cup has started, which has made things a little crazier than normal around Panama. Last but not least, friends of ours were kind enough to host a baby shower for us. Be ware, long post ahead.

Remember when I wrote about our last major trip? One of the things that "happened" was our tile popping up in our kitchen. This isn't uncommon around here. There are a few reasons for this happening, one being that the tiles expand and contract throughout the day due to the temperature changes.

Much better

It took a time to get fixed, but we were finally able to get our tiles replaced and fixed. The process itself took about 4 days, although we extended the process out to 5 days. Last Saturday was our last day of English class until further notice. We asked the repairman to come Sunday rather than Saturday so we could both attend class and say our goodbyes.

Robert and I taught the class for 3 years and had gotten to know some of the students quite well. These students are hoping to learn English for their own benefit. Many of them do not make a lot of money and are unlikely to ever venture outside of Panama.

Aww the World Cup. Panama's team made history by qualifying for the first time when they won against Costa Rica. The following day was declared a national holiday by the president—and for good reason. Everyone was celebrating after the game. Panama was off to Russia! 

It seems like you can go anywhere and see World Cup garb. My doctor's office is decorated in it. Doctors where I get my lab work done were singing the national anthem  An outdoor fonda (sort of like a fast food place) had people crowding around their tv as the game began. You can even see the muñeca (doll) of Ramón Torres who scored the winning goal against Costa Rica. Bars were open at 7am for people to watch the games.

Monday was Panama's first game. They lost 0-3 against Belgium Monday and lost against England today. However, Panama pride showed through in England's game. Panama lost 7-1 but scored a goal. Evidently that exceeded people's expectations. Ha! Robert and I have been keeping up a little bit. I hope Panama wins their next and potentially last game of the World Cup. It would be awesome to see the reactions of true, non-bandwagon fans.

Last but not least, friends of ours hosted a baby shower for us. It was a couples shower which made it a little untraditional, but lots of fun. We played charades, which included Robert acting out changing a baby's poopy diaper. I got to to sit back and enjoy the amusement as other scenes included waiting in line at a public restroom, and feeding a baby peas.

It's a whale of a cake!

Playing more games

Making bets on the kiddo's arrival!

This week flew by for all good reasons. We'll be working on adding some finishing touches to what we need regarding the baby. Let the nesting begin! Sorry Robert. It is safe to say that the baby will be a significant focus of our time. We also have work, summer movies (Jurassic World 2), and a few other things will also balance out the focus of the baby. This next month will be going by faster than a New York Minute. 

A few more pregnancy FAQs (some may be repeats)

How are you feeling?

Still good. We are both getting excited in a very surreal way. We know we'll be holding our little one soon, but it's still very surreal.

My back hurts on occasion. It is to be expected at this point. Baby's head is down and hormones (relaxin) is causing my hips to be a little loosey goosey in preparation for labor. I had decreased my 40 minute workouts to 20 minute workouts. Now I am sticking to yoga 3 times per week as per my doctor's orders. Oh, and sleeping with the air conditioning on is almost always a requirement.

What's the birth plan?

Ideally I'd like to go with as few interventions as possible. There is a part of me that also is accepting of the fact that things may not go according to plan. So is life. 

Do you have any names picked?

We're still working on that. We are narrowing it down though. Not sure if that is really saying much though...

Are you taking birthing classes?

Lamazze/birthing classes do exist here. They are in Panama City, over an hour away, in the evenings and not ideal for us to attend. I've been doing research and it seems like a lot of the methodologies of Lamaze, and Hypnobirthing are similar to yoga. It's a lot about the breath! Some women do not always have access to this and they still manage to give birth. If they can do it, so can I!

Did I miss any burning questions you have? I know this post is long so I tried to keep the questions to a minimum. 

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Happy Fathers Day

Father's Day is upon on us. Mothers are awesome, but dads are too. Maybe it's just me, but it seems like most dads treat their kids different compared to moms. They're the ones that say a little dirt won't hurt, or push you harder even when you want to tell them you can't (thinking of more than one occasion here Dad, if you're reading this). But that's what dads do.

Like moms, they come in different forms. Some have lost their children, others choose to give back to the community in other ways or choose to have act as "dads" in other ways. I see you and acknowledge you all!

Panama and the US celebrate this day on the same day. The day is important, and kind of a big deal. While I cannot speak to exactly how it's celebrated, I have read that schools (public school goes from March-December here) usually have a special concert just for the celebration of dads. Some may even get out traditional clothing, called polleras, to do folklore dancing. Cool, right?

Polleras. Source 
Time to get personal. My dad isn't perfect. He's made mistakes and has taught me that it is okay to go your own path. His example is what made it a little less scary to get to where I am today. Not saying it has been easy, but he has been a major influence in my outlook in life. Thanks Dad!

There is also my father in law. I never expected to be treated like a daughter by an in-law. And yet, I feel like I am. His witty one liners can really catch you off guard if you're not expecting them. His passion for things he full heartedly believes in is a force to be reckoned with.

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there!

Saturday, June 9, 2018

A Tale of Having to Conserve Water While Nesting

If there is one thing I have realized about living in Panama it's that clean water is a beautiful, and rare thing that many take for granted—including myself. I thought I had an appreciation of it before, but this week helped me appreciate it a little more than usual.

What was going on? We had a heavy rain storm last weekend which resulted in the local water treatment plant to need repairs. This meant that we had to conserve water. Neither of these events are that uncommon, and it is likely that heavy rains will cause additional repairs this season.

We were originally told that the repairs would take a day. The repairs were to occur Monday and that we could expect water to return Tuesday. That did not happen. We continued on with our week conserving water as much as possible. A two or three day repair is nothing unusual. The water company usually supplies water via water trucks. However, for unknown reasons to me, this did not happen this time around. We were on full water conservation mode.

Other surrounding towns were also on short supply of water. It seemed like everyone was unsure of what exactly was going on with the water situation, other than there was none coming in.

Here is where I come in! The last week or so I have been starting to nest. Am I crazy for wanting to dust off the hooks where we hang our hats? Of course not! Now get to dusting the hooks! 

Friday night came and still no water. A pregnancy meltdown may or may not have happened. What if we never get water again? How are we going to wash dirty diapers and the dirty clothes? I was getting annoyed by the ever growing pile of laundry and the lack of clean clothes. Water conservation mode or not, I was going to do laundry.

As it turned out, the repairs were done and water conservation mode was over on Saturday. I could feel a little less guilty for dipping into any water reserves our building had and do a happy dance in the process. This whole week has given me a whole new appreciation for the value of water and just how much I take it for granted. After all, it is a precious and rare thing.

Monday, May 28, 2018

A Hike in the City

Robert and I have been itching to go on a hike. Or, maybe it was just me and I convinced myself the hike was both our ideas? Both of us have been busy with work. A change of pace from the daily monotonies of daily life was needed and welcomed.

We found a hike in Panama City, at Parque Natural Metropolitano, Natural Metropolitan Park. It is the second highest point in Panama City, second to Ancon Hill, which we have been to on a few occasions.

The total hike was around 3.5km (2 mi) on trails that are well maintained. I have been able to stay active throughout my pregnancy, so this hike seemed doable. If nothing else, we could always slow down and/or turn around, right? To be honest, the thing I was worried most about was whether we would get hit with rain. The rain stayed away; no complaints!

This hike was just what the doctor ordered. The first part of our hike was flat and super easy. The second part of the hike was almost all up hill, which lasted around half a mile (1km). We got to the top of the hill and got to see some pretty cool sights. There were views of the city we haven't seen before. There was also this impressive line of leaf cutter ants. Pictures didn't do the line of ants justice.
Leaf cutter ants

One of the views we saw of Panama City

We took another trail down, which lead to the flat part of the hike. We then got breakfast and did a little exploring at a local mall. The initial plan was to go see a movie as well. The show time unexpectedly got pushed back an extra hour, which we did not want to wait around for. Maybe next time. 

The day turned out to be the perfect day. We got to spend some time together in nature, enjoyed a new adventure, and avoided rain! Woohoo!

Sunday, May 13, 2018

A Mother's Day Post

Just wanted to send a quick Happy Mother's Day note to all the moms out there. Moms come in so many forms and you all deserve to be recognized. You all make a difference in this world!

The day is rumored to have started off as a day for grieving mothers. I know several moms that have experienced the death of a child. For that, I honor you. I know several moms who struggle with infertility. For that, I honor you.

I know others of you that are okay having four legged friends. For that, I honor you. Others of you have adopted communities and dedicated your life to service. You are honored. Of course, we cannot forget the moms who have children and get to spend time with them on a regular basis. You are honored!

To me, the day is about blessings. People have been wishing me a happy Mother's Day. It is an honor to hear that, although it is also very surreal. It's incredible to know that we'll be meeting our Thumper in about 10 weeks, but it's also kind of unreal too. The fun thing? Panama celebrates Mothers Day in December, on the Day of the Immaculate Conception. Perhaps then, the day will feel a little more real and a little less surreal. Haha.

I also want to send a shout out to our moms. I have an amazing mother in law. She is kind, loving, and generous. She helped raise her son into the man that is my best friend. Thanks for all you do!

Then there is my mom. She's strong and fierce. We might drive each other crazy at times, but she's the best mom I could ask for.

One of my favorites, 2011

May you find peace, happiness, and blessings on Mothers Day!

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

A Pregnancy Rant and and Update of the Past Two Weeks: Part 2

I decided that the posts needed to be broken up into parts. There was no way to keep two, relatively different topics cohesive in one blog post. That being said, can ya'll believe that July is just a few months away?

Robert and I have been busy wrapping our head around this. The last two weeks have been spent touring hospitals in Panama City. There are four private hospitals we were considering and wanted to see in person. We took a tour of three of the four, as the normal tour guide for one was not available.

Although the day was informative, it was also exhausting. There are certain things that we were curious about. Neither of us have much to compare with. I know plenty of friends back in the US that I could ask questions to that have given birth in US hospitals. Most new moms are supplied with peri bottles, the fashionable mesh underwear, and are given a stash of other freebies in the US. Are hospitals in Panama ran the same way? The answer is that it depends on the hospital. While the stash of freebies wasn't a make or break deal, it is still important and useful on what to bring when baby decides to arrive.



I had a list of questions on my phone, but both of us were also asking questions neither of us had thought of until we got to the hospitals. One tour was in English while the other two were in Spanish. Talk about learning a whole new vocabulary! I cannot speak for Robert, but my brain was pretty fried by the third hospital. Luckily the guides were kind and understanding. We were all laughing when hand and body gestures were being used. Who says you can't have fun while making a fairly big decision?

Nothing is decided yet on which hospital the baby will be born. We started this process assuming it might take some time to make a decision. Fortunately enough we are in a position where we can not only pick the OBGYN, but we can also decide which hospital the baby is born. Having that kind of flexibility is nice since I know that isn't always the case back in the US.

Next on our list is finding a pediatrician. This whole introduction to parenthood is pretty intense with a lot of decisions that need to be made. While it is just the start of a whole new us, the journey so far has been amazing. Undoubtedly the next three months are going to fly by and we'll be holding our son or daughter in our arms. Did I really just say that?! 

A Pregnancy Rant and and Update of the Past Two Weeks: Part 1

I have been debating on what I should talk about in the next blog post. There are two things that have been on my mind lately. One is kind of a pregnancy rant. The other is an update on what we've been up to in the last two weeks. Can the two be combined into one post? Let's see!

One thing I have been asked a lot lately is to post pictures or send pictures of my baby bump. Although my bump isn't the size of a beach ball (yet), it's hard to ignore my baby bump, even if I am lounging around in an oversized shirt.

My pregnant body seems to be changing daily in one way or another. Bending over to pick something off the floor is getting more difficult. It seemed relatively easy two weeks ago. Now it is becoming kind of a chore. Take a deep breath and squat/bend. Stand and exhale. Needless to say, some of the internal dialogues in my head can be pretty interesting on whether it is necessary to pick something up.

I am not the only one noticing my growing body. Others tell me their observations too! Well meaning people will tell me how good I look. In fact, I do not look over "three months pregnant," or tell me that I am barely showing. Others joke asking if I am having twins or triplets. One person, not Robert, commented on how my breasts are growing. While I try to smile and take it in stride, biting my tongue is not always easy.

I have never been one to really enjoy hearing comments on my body. Being pregnant has only reinforced some of these feelings. I get it, and it is something I try to accept. I am not against my photo being taken or published on social media. However, that doesn't mean I am posting belly bump pictures from the side either. If a blog post relates to me needing to be in the picture then I'll gladly post it. Just do not expect any side selfies from me any time soon!

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Easter and Semana Santa in Panama

We hope you had a good Easter. We did! Traffic can get chaotic around here as people that live in Panama City spend part of the week in the countryside; aka, where we live. Beaches, roads, and stores get crowded. It makes for a great excuse to binge watch a tv series or work on a project you've been putting off.

All government offices were closed by Thursday at noon. Good Friday is a national holiday. I have read that government officials figure most of their workers are already absent mentally the day ahead, planning their trip and their holiday festivities.

Robert and I did all of our grocery shopping ahead of time. A typical 10 minute drive can easily be tripled when traffic hits. I read today that somebody's normal 10 minute drive took roughly 60 minutes. Yikes!

Somebody had too much fun. Traffico Panama

We tried watching some of The Divergent movies. I like some of the main actors (Shailene Woodley, Miles Teller, and Ansel Elgort) in other movies. What did we have to lose? The first movie was okay. We barely made it through the second movie and never discussed attempting the third.

I focused my attention on making cloth wipes to go along with the cloth diapers we plan on using. It has been years since I touched a sewing machine. Cutting two pieces of fabric into squares and sewing them together seemed easy enough, despite my lack of sewing abilities. It was, once I got a rotary cutter that had a sharp blade and I figured out/remembered how to use the sewing machine. It's safe to say that I will not be quilting any time soon. Haha!

My first two wipes finished and ready for duty.

Robert stayed busy as well. He helped me cut some of the squares. He also did some miscellaneous projects around the house and read. The weekend was mostly about relaxing for him, which is exactly what it should be.

Easter weekend is the last major holiday in Panama until November. Things are quieting down as snowbirds (people who live here half the year) from the US and Canada are heading back. Walking the beach for a kilometer or two (0.5-1 miles) is possible on the weekday. The rainy season should also start in the next couple of weeks. Time to enjoy the peace and tranquility of Panama.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Our Last Major Trip!

It has been over a month since the last blog post, ending a fairly good record of consistently blogging. The past month has been filled with fast paced adventures with few dull moments in between. Our month has revolved around traveling and the baby. Get ready for a long post ya'll!

We planned a trip to the US, which was about five weeks in the making. As luck would have it, I woke up feeling a little groggy two days before we were supposed to fly out. Within 24 hours I was at a clinic being told that I had a stomach bug. Traveling in a car for very long was not an option, let alone in a plane. The trip had to be postponed.  So much for our plans. 

The timing actually worked out okay. A few things happened during that time that needed to be addressed in person. It was not fun being sick, but the timing worked out. It seemed like most of Oregon was getting snow flurries anyway, which would have made our visiting plans a little more difficult.

We were on a plane within five days of our original flight date. Our first stop was staying at my brother's house. We got to see our niece and nephew and also enjoyed a hike. My mom also planned a small baby shower. Our second stop was staying with my parents, who live about 90 minutes from my brother. Robert and my dad went golfing. I snuck in a yoga class. We visited friends as well.

Baby shower gifts!

Hiking Cooper Mountain Nature Park. The jackets were off within 15 minutes of that picture.

The next stop was Arizona. We stayed with Robert's parents.  We went to Tucson and bought cloth diaper covers, ate at Tucson Tamale Company, and visited the Biosphere2. Robert and his dad went golfing, and I snuck in some yoga! We tried to visit with as many people as possible.

Our trip was also focused around eating food we normally couldn't eat. Del Taco, Arbys, and In n Out, were some of our go to fast food places. Robert and I also ate at Si Señor, which has amazing New Mexican style food. My mom also made some classic family foods, including one that her mom used to make! Blueberries were eaten like candy in both states.

People seemed to have some similar questions regarding the pregnancy. Here were a few things that were commonly asked.

  • Are you showing yet?
    • Yep! I had a small belly in Oregon that wasn't super obvious. It was a little more obvious in Arizona. This is more of an update, but people do ask!
  • Do you know if you're having a boy or a girl?
    • Nope! We aren't finding out until s/he is born. We use the pronouns he and she interchangeably when discussing the baby...just an FYI if you talk to us. 
  • Do you have any names picked out?
    • We've talked about it but have not settled on anything. 
  • How are you feeling? 
    • I am feeling great! I generally workout/do yoga 4-6 times a week. The trip was a bit of an exception, but I am now back to my regular routine. Being active is a nice way to relax for me.
  • Where will you be giving birth? Are you using a doctor, a midwife, a ?????
    • I am under the care of an OBGYN that Robert and I both like and trust. One of our next things on our to do list is to find a private hospital in Panama City, which is about an hour away from us. 
Did I miss any questions? Let me know!

Robert and I are back to our normal routines here. We enjoyed our visit to the States, but it's great to be back home too. I did take pictures were taken throughout our trip. However, I forgot to send them to my email before we left. All of the pictures are on my US phone. Thanks to my sister in law for taking the two photos above used! Also, thanks to everyone we got to visit. Seeing family and friends is always one of the best parts of visiting. Until next time USA!

The sunrise from this morning

Sunday, February 18, 2018

...Brrr it's cold in here!

..okay, it is still around 85*F (29*C), give or take a few degrees. Both of us got colds. I got it first and then decided to pass it onto Robert. Sharing is caring right?

The good news is that Robert was loading up on vitamin c. Although he got a cold, his symptoms were a lot less significant than mine and only lasted a few days. Me? It took me about two weeks and over 4 boxes of Kleenex to fully recover. Coconut oil was my best friend for my nose, which would have rivaled Rudolph's without it. All better now. Let's just hope it stays that way.

Carnival was last week. We stayed in, but other people we know went out and joined the festivities. For those who may not remember from previous posts, the carnival last week is not one with clowns and games...although I guess there could be. Carnival in Panama and throughout most of the world is a festival that occurs before Lent. Mardi Gras in the United States is a take on Carnival.

Everything else is going well, otherwise. I realize that I haven't really been posting photos in my recent posts. I will try to get some with future posts. Let's be honest, nobody wants to see what was going on since the last post.

Also, since this is a question that comes up in conversations...a few updates on the pregnancy. I am not showing. I am feeling baby move though, although at this point the feelings are very subtle. We are choosing not to find out the sex of the baby a surprise until s/he is born. We haven't decided on any names yet; we have time though!

Did I miss anything? I hope you all are doing well

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Three Years of Living Here

It's hard to believe that we've hit the 3 year anniversary of living here. The time has gone by so fast that I almost forgotten the month had come. Here is a recap of some of the highlights from the last year.

Visiting Hacienda San Isidro and trying out different types of rum, including one that costs over $100/bottle

Taking a Discover Scuba course in Santa Catalina

Hiking became a thing this year, including going to Los Cajones (not cojones...)

Buying a Panamanian flag to celebrate the independence days in Panama, and hanging it off our balcony.

Finding out we are going to have a baby!

Did I miss any highlights?

Panama has brought so many amazing things into our lives. We are grateful for the adventures, lessons, and experiences our adoptive country has given us.

Monday, January 22, 2018

We Got Good News Ya'll

We are happy to announce that we're expecting a baby in July! Both of us are really excited and are looking forward to all the fun and challenging aspects that parenting brings.

Here are some frequently asked questions I've been getting:

  • Where are you having your baby?
    • The plan is that Baby will be born in Panama at a hospital. My OBGYN is amazing and we both like her. Bonus!
  • Are you excited?
    • Yes we are!
  • How did your parents react?
    • Both sets of parents are excited. This will be the third grandchild for each side. 
  • Are you finding out the sex before hand or keeping it a surprise?
    • That is something we need to discuss. The great thing is that we can always change our mind later if we want to know!
  • Any gift registry plans?
    • Right now we are working on something. Please email either of us, personally rather than commenting, if you want updates. 
  • Are you showing yet?
    • Gas bloat, food baby, baby bump? Not sure. I'm guessing the best answer at this time is no. 
  • How are you feeling?
    • Pretty good. I am able to workout regularly and incorporate light weights, cardio, and yoga. 
  • Do you have any strange cravings?
    • In regards to pickles with dirt, and ice cream? Mmm...yummy! No. But I am craving foods I normally don't eat/don't like. Foods include cold cereal, toast with butter and jam/jelly, and orange juice. 
Did I miss any questions? Let me know if I did!

Sunday, January 7, 2018

A New Years Resolution I didn't Intend to Keep

I am not one for making New Years resolutions. I learned very quickly, in first grade, that keeping them was not realistic. What kid can stay away from chocolate forever? From then on out I would either avoid making them or I would jokingly make one, with no intention to actually keep it. Joke's on me, since I actually kept it!

It turns out that this year I unintentionally kept my resolution: to read at least 12 books this year. While it might not seem like a big deal to some of my bookworm friends out there, it is to me. I am either interested in a book, or I am not. I either finish a book within a few days, or I do not finish it at all. A 600 page book has been read within a day and a half. My eyes typically hurt after I finish a book, and it isn't something I am eager to redo.

I do not know what was different about 2017. New glasses perhaps? What books did I read? Here are a few, in no particular order.

  • Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe-Benjamin Alire Sáenz
  • A Man Called Ove-Fredrik Backman
  • My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She's Sorry-by Fredrick Backman
  • Orphan Train-Christina Baker Kline
  • The Taliban Shuffle: Strange Days in Pakistan and Afghanistan-Kim Barker
  • The Help-Kathryn Stockett
  • China Rich Girlfriend-Kevin Kwan

The book I am currently reading is "The Good Soliders" by David Finkel. I've only recently started reading it. So far so good!

This new year has no resolutions for me. I plan on continuing my yoga practice, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and hopefully have new adventures in 2018. Do you have any resolutions? If you have any book recommendations, let me know!

I hope you had a great first week January, and that 2018 is filled with adventure, peace, and wonder.